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Remembering Sisters Amata Dugan and Michael Ellen Green

Published on December 8, 2016

…in a golf cart, as it “became her personal trademark. “She didn’t want it for her own use, but to take sisters in the infirmary or other residences out for rides around campus to show them the latest beauties of nature or to the lake to enjoy the cool breezes,” Sister Ann wrote. Sister Ann also wrote that Sister Michael Ellen had two dogs, Foley and her Black Spaniel, Cindy. Sister Michael Ellen died on May 5, 2016. ‪#‎throwbackthursday ‪#‎tbt…



Thoughts on Hydraulic Fracking

Published on October 17, 2016

…of fracking sites and waste disposal, I note the following: Air pollution from methane gas and the heavy truck traffic increasing asthma attacks, especially in children, Water contamination, Unrecoverable water, Some chemicals used not known to the public because of “trade secrets,” Increase of earthquakes, Contributing to climate change, Land grabbing without the owner’s consent, and Royalties promised to land owners compromised by some companies charging for processing and transportation. The Earth Justice link shows a map of the United…



Sister Michael Ellen Green

Published on May 16, 2016

…relationships … tooling around in golf carts … and loving dogs, especially her beloved Foley and the black spaniel, Cindy. Because she didn’t drive, she finagled the permanent use of a golf cart from Hulman Links Golf Course and it became her personal trademark. She didn’t want it for her own use, but to take sisters in the infirmary or other residences out for rides around campus to show them the latest beauties of nature or to the lake to…



NGOs – Conscience of the UN!

Published on February 15, 2016

…a bit guilty about the bottle of water in front of me that I had brought to the table from lunch and admitted as much. Moving to the practical level, FOE members discussed and planned how to use their website more effectively to assure that the UN and peoples around the world recognize that “the environment is the one common denominator at the heart of most crises – economic, development, climate-change, trade, and social-cultural ones.” My day experiencing firsthand the…



Saving the Seeds: A Matter of Justice

Published on January 28, 2016

…he was spreading on his crops. Monsanto began selling its cotton seeds after a USA challenge at the World Trade Organization forced India to adopt seed patenting. Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds only produce one plant cycle. What that means is that once a seed has sprouted, there will be no more seeds produced by that plant. Ghana’s farmers are vehemently challenging the Monsanto Law for the right to use their own seeds and pass them on as they have for…



Sister David Ellen Van Dyke

Published on July 9, 2011

…and Sacred Heart, Terre Haute. “She began her long love affair with Sacred Heart Parish in Terre Haute” in 1962, said Sister Mary Roger. Sister David Ellen ministered in the school as a teacher or principal at various times in the 1960s, 1970s and 1990s. “In 1983, Sister David Ellen’s life took a new and potentially disconcerting twist. She was called to come to the Woods to assist the aging Sister Cecile [Morse, RIP], who had served for over 40…



Sister Alma Louise Mescher

Published on June 9, 2010

…to do was to paint. Those of us who live at the Woodland Inn are the enjoyers of several of her very beautiful water colors which adorn our walls. Some also hang at various places around the motherhouse,” continued Sister Jeanne. “Sister Alma Louise said in some reflective notes she wrote fairly recently, ‘I have always appreciated the many opportunities we have had as Sisters of Providence for enriching experiences in prayer, spirituality and education. And I have particularly appreciated…



Annmarie Portela: ‘With this decision, I am truly content’

Published on January 14, 2008

…admiration of sisters continues to grow – Learning about their experiences I did not know… How You stand and promote what’s true – About serving God and her people too… Opening my eyes for things to see – This is what it means to me: To better understand and help prepare – A world of equality, of justice, of one that’s fair… To contemplate life and those in need – By prayer, meditation and actual deeds… To continue being educated…



Sister Sue Pietrus

Published on September 13, 2008

…scholarship at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. As Sue liked to tell the story, her parents would do anything Sister Cherubim asked them to do. Of course Sue was awarded that scholarship. What began in the fall of 1968, then, was a 40-year love affair with Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, the Sisters of Providence and the Provident God who called her to use the talent she possessed to fill these Woods and our lives with the gift of her life. We have gathered…



Sister Marijo Lynch

Published on April 29, 2007

…your joy away from you.’ “With these words we say goodbye to you, Sister Marijo, and look forward to the day when we will join you in the joy that will never end,” said Sister Mary Ann. The Mass of Christian Burial at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods was May 26, with the Rev. Daniel Hopcus presiding. She was survived by two sisters, Anne Miles of Jefferson City, Mo., and Ruth Peckler of Homey Glenn, Ill.; and one brother, James, of Fairbanks, Alaska….



Sister Julia (Marie Loretta) Shea

Published on February 20, 2007

…Julia undertook a new ministry — administrative assistant to the Most Rev. Daniel I. Ryan, Bishop of Springfield, Ill. From 1984 to 1997, she served in this capacity, departing only after her 80th birthday,” said Sister Alexa. “One of her grade school pupils uses the word ‘fabulous’ to describe Sister Julia as a teacher — organized, fair, thorough, eager, demanding and lively. And a great fan of the Red Sox!” shared Sister Alexa. Upon retiring from the diocesan office, Sister…



Sister Mary Catherine Guiler

Published on August 1, 2010

…I reflect on all her trials and tribulations, I am just in awe of her. I love reading her Journals and Letters because she comes across many times as so human, not as some unrealistic plaster statue. I keep one of her relics in my grade book, asking her to guide me with my students: to be kind and fair. I like to look at the daguerreotype of her; I think that copy shows her strength. Q. Do you have…


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