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Personal stories from bell and chimes ringers

Published on March 11, 2009

…not permitted to have watches so when it was our week to ring the bells we carried a Baby Ben around with us. I had placed the clock, as I always did, on the balustrade at the top of the stairs and in her hurry, Sister Mary Rose knocked the clock off its perch! That too crashed to the floor making another clattering sound. When she found out I was alive and well, we both went downstairs to join in…



Donna Stites: wanting to be seen as somebody

Published on April 16, 2009

…said Donna, indicating that her mother had discovered that her husband was having an extramarital affair with a friend’s wife. “In all honesty, I did not think it was going to happen. I thought that we were just going to string her along long enough for her to get over it,” continued Donna, who has a release date of 2026. Unbeknownst to Donna, her mother and Donna’s boyfriend were having an affair and plotted behind Donna’s back to murder Donna’s…



Three Sisters of Providence to stand trial Jan. 27 for crossing government line during non-violent protest

Published on January 17, 2003

…torture and massacre of their own people when they return home. The training school is supported by United States tax dollars. Sisters Adele Beacham, Rita Clare Gerardot and Joann Quinkert will appear before U.S. Magistrate G. Mallon Faircloth. Sister of Providence Kathleen Desautels was arrested in November 2001 and sentenced by Judge Faircloth to six months in prison on federal trespassing charges. She is serving her sentence at FCI-Greenville (Ill.). She has a March 7 release date. Sisters Adele, Rita…



Sister Margaret Ellen O’Connor

Published on December 3, 2006

…she looked forward to meals because that meant being in conversation with Sister Margaret Ellen and hearing her many stories,” said Sister Ann. “When asked how she was, Sister Margaret Ellen’s standard response was ‘fair, fat and pampered.’ I’m not going to risk comment on the ‘fat’ response, but I think we can safely say that ‘fair’ was an apt description of her general health, for she suffered from crippling arthritis which gradually affected her walking and her ability to…



Bernard Casey: An Ordinary Person

Published on September 26, 2011

Bernard and Kathleen “Kathy” Casey reside in Durham, N.H. Bernard has had a connection to the Congregation since he was a small boy. (Submitted photo) Age quod agis. Several years ago a Jesuit priest at Fairfield University in Connecticut introduced this Latin phrase to Dr. Bernard Casey, and it’s been his philosophy of life ever since. What exactly does this phrase mean? “‘Do what you are doing,’ so that when you’re working, work hard; when you’re playing, play hard; when…



Ann Wagner Harper: Finding the Silver Lining

Published on September 1, 2006

…was a short one, as her well trained voice was soon sought by Art Berry and the Columbia Club, Indianapolis. Because her salary at the club was only $35 a week, she asked for help in getting a day job at WIBC, an Indianapolis radio station. Station owner Richard Fairbanks hired her “sight unseen.” With this much coveted job, Ann’s salary jumped to $75 a week. On this radio station, Ann sang on the show, “PM Party,” with a full…



2 1/2 minutes a day

Published on February 26, 2013

…150 seconds — is manageable. I may not be able to change my life or cure the world’s ills, but I’m fairly certain I can carve out 2 1/2 minutes to reflect on a verse of scripture or give thanks for the gifts of the day or simply sit in silent awareness of the presence of Providence. And I’m fairly certain that doing so will make a big difference. 2 1/2 minutes a day — how will you spend it?…



A Marian Litany

O Lovely rose of Sharon’s plain, Pure lily of the field, Thou beauteous garden all inclosed, The Spirit’s Fountain sealed— O pray for us! The honor of thy people, thou, Fair Paradise of God, The glory of Jerusalem And Jesse’s blooming rod— O pray for us! Thou blossoming wilderness of God, Thou Virgin pure of birth, Fair temple of the Trinity, The pearl of priceless worth—O pray for us! Dear Lady of the Eucharist, The dawn of Christ’s bright day,…



A Prayer for the 175th Anniversary of the Sisters of Providence

…we journey into the future with confidence in the Providence that so far has never failed us. Amen. French Ô Dieu Saint, Je te rends grâce de nous avoir envoyé Sainte Mère Théodore et ses compagnes qui fondèrent une congrégation à Sainte Marie des Bois. Je te rends grâce pour tous ceux et celles qui ont suivi leurs pas et se sont engagés à faire se réaliser tes projets. Je prie pour obtenir la grâce de faire progresser leur héritage…



Cards and Christmas carols

Published on December 4, 2014

Once again, I send you news of Sri Lankan adventure. My days remain fairly routine, but interesting things emerge fairly often. For example, a number of weeks ago, I mentioned to the novices that I brought decks of cards with me. One night they asked to borrow them. I offered to join them and found out that ONE of them knew ONE game, kind of a four handed version of War. The others didn’t know the suits, the order of…



Rainy day on and off the farm

Published on July 12, 2017

…Greencastle, Indiana, visited. Garden Manager Candace Minster showed them around and answered questions about the ministry. They’re pictured below with Director Lorrie Heber, Sister Mary Montgomery, Candace and myself. And there is no way we can give a recap of the day without talking about the morning alpaca show at the Vigo County Fair in Terre Haute. White Violet Center is a co-sponsor of the Vigo County Alpaca Handlers 4-H Club. These photos are from the obstacle course portion of…



Sister Ellen Cunningham (formerly Sister Michael Aquinas)

Published on January 29, 2020

…sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.’ But she came and knelt before Jesus saying, ‘Lord, help me.’ He answered, ‘It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.’ She said, ‘Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their owners’ table.’ Then Jesus answered her, ‘Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.’ And her daughter was healed instantly.” We know almost…


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