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Sister Editha Ben: the blessings of sheltering in place in the Philippines

By Sister Editha Ben | April 29, 2020 |

Now, because of covid-19, flights have been canceled, airports are locked down and quarantine is imposed. And so, I have remained in the Philippines with my mother longer than planned.

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Comfort from beauty

By Sister Mary Lou Ruck | April 13, 2020 |

Also wanting to help others, I searched my soul. Stretching his idea of comfort from music, I thought of other arts: poetry, other writing, painting, and so on. Then it struck me: weaving!

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This Good Friday: Is COVID-19 the only pandemic about which we need to pray?

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | April 10, 2020 |

May these atrocities never happen again. Let us not abandon each other.

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We all need a Polish grandpa! We all need the Christ Child.

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 20, 2019 |

We all need a Polish grandpa. We all need the Christ Child.

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Come O Wisdom: a reflection on our senior jubilarians

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 19, 2019 |

Truly, each of you, in your own way, has been a key figure in the unfolding story of Providence in the life of this Congregation.

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Advent 2019: All are welcome or How do we make room in the inn?

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 6, 2019 |

In a season where we sometimes can get really focused on what we are going to give, let’s become gracious receivers of God’s hospitality, receptors of the sacred

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A community based on mutual, abiding love

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | November 11, 2019 |

Sister Dawn reflects on the Providence community as we welcome new Providence Associates. May this community be one that mirrors the community established more than 2,000 years ago by Jesus. A community based on mutual, abiding love and not, as with other human institutions, on power or fear.

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Reflections for Foundation Day 2019

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 23, 2019 |

Well, the fact that we are still here 179 years later is certainly testimony to the Providence of God. It is also testimony to all those sisters in the U.S. as well as in China and Taiwan AND to the many other Dotties, Mandys and Margies in our larger community of Providence who have not let appearances keep them from doing good, doing lots of good.

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A Reflection for the Feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 3, 2019 |

‘Give me, give us, this heart of Mother Theodore with which to treasure the power and promise of the cross.’

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A Reflection for Reception into the Novitiate

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | August 5, 2019 |

Is not your heart burning inside to know this Christ, Jessica, to welcome this Christ as the core of your truest self?

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Stepping forward to become a Sister of Providence

By Sister Jessica Vitente | August 2, 2019 |

Postulant life was an experience that welcomed me to jump into a new lifestyle with both feet. The past ten months hsave been an opportunity to get to know myself a little more deeply. I have been able to work on areas of my life that I deeply desired to mold but never made a priority, such as my prayer life.

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A Reflection for a Golden Jubilee

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | July 6, 2019 |

This Jubilee is as much about looking forward as it is about looking back.

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