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Reflecting on a Palm Sunday tradition

By Sister Paula Damiano | March 28, 2021 |

Blessings, peace and love to each of you this Holy Week. And, perhaps you’ll want to take up this tradition?

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Merry Christmas! There is cause for rejoicing here!

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | December 23, 2020 |

Christmas reminds us that God has become one of us in Jesus

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But this Thanksgiving, we choose gratitude

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | November 26, 2020 |

I am determined to choose gratitude as my resolution and prayer this Thanksgiving

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A Reflection on the Feast Day of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | October 5, 2020 |

It is her heart and the witness of her life that gives me solace and comfort at times like these.

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Reflecting on the United States through the writing of Saint Mother Theodore

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 3, 2020 |

What words draw you into prayer?

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Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the mission to Asia

By Sisters of Providence | October 2, 2020 |

A prayer service on Tuesday, September 29, marked the 100th anniversary of the Mission to Asia which is still vibrant today. The Congregation read the following readings from the China…

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A Prayer for Teachers during this pandemic

By Sister Paula Damiano | August 19, 2020 |

May your wisdom O God be our wisdom, your patience, our patience and your love, our love.

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A Prayer for Students during a pandemic

By Sister Paula Damiano | August 18, 2020 |

Embrace these students and their teachers with your love.

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Reflections for Profession of Vows

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | July 29, 2020 |

Corbin and Teresa, we are happy you have come.

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Facing institutionalized racism within myself

By Amanda Lakstins | June 16, 2020 |

I’ve never considered myself racist, I always do my best to treat everyone fairly. But in that moment, I realized that skin color is something I notice and something that matters to me, not in conscious higher-level thought, but almost at an instinctual level. I felt a sense of unease being surrounded by black people, black children.

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A reflection for Feast of Pentecost 2020

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | May 31, 2020 |

God calls us today to do what the disciples did 2,000 years ago – to create communities of love

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The Art of Isolation

By Lori Strawn | May 1, 2020 |

Let the holy within you rise
to greet silence as a friend
and enter into prayer
that moves and lives
and has being in you
for as long as it lasts.

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Meet Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Leader, teacher, immigrant, healer. Saint of God.

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