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Mother Theodore feast day: prayers to our faithful

By Jena Thralls | October 4, 2014 |

After an emotional Mass in celebration of the feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin on Friday, Oct. 3, the Woods community is still buzzing with excitement.
During Mass yesterday, Sister Lisa Stallings, Sisters of Providence Vicar, shared the prayer below, written by Sister Donna Butler.

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A feast-day letter to Saint Mother Theodore

By Sister Diane Mason | October 3, 2014 |

Saint Mother Theodore, you showed us the way. It wasn’t easy, but you never let up. You believed in your Provident God. Providence was your shield of faith and hope, and you lived it to the fullest.

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Letter: Jan. 13 1849

By Jena Thralls | September 30, 2014 |

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin is considered a saint today, but during her time on Earth, she was a down-to-earth mother of many daughters. She expresses her love for one of her daughters in this letter.

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Sisters Lucy and Mary Fran cook up a good time

By Amy Miranda | September 27, 2014 |

“We prepare about 30 pounds of meat. The pulled pork sandwiches are complemented by a great horseradish coleslaw which Sister Lucy takes pride in making.”

Sisters Lucy Nolan and Mary Fran Keusal lovingly feed the volunteers and shoppers at the annual Providence Family Services rummage sale, held this year Oct. 4-5 in Chicago. They share their experience and even their recipe here.

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Lessons from an Ant

By Sister Carol Nolan | September 24, 2014 |

Surely, as becomes increasingly clear, if everything in the universe emerged from one burst of energy, our connectedness is truly radical.

The ants and the elephants, the trees and the mountains, the first person stepping off the Mayflower and the latest undocumented immigrant: we are all intrinsically part of one another.

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Comforting prayer

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | September 16, 2014 |

I’ve been a devoteé of the prayer of the rosary since I was a grade-schooler. I still pray the rosary (or most of it) nightly. I have even learned the Luminous mysteries introduced by Pope Benedict XV.

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Filled with the life of our dear Mother Theodore

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | September 11, 2014 |

It has been months of waiting patiently for the beautifully curved BUT bare walls of the new shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin to be filled with the life of our dear Mother Theodore.

Then in a matter of days, the whole place was bursting with the spirit of our amazing saint. Stunningly colorful panels, chronicling the story of her faith-filled life, offer a glimpse of what holiness might look like in pioneer Indiana.

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Letter: January 1, 1854

By Jena Thralls | September 9, 2014 |

It is yet another one of our favorite Saint Mother Theodore quotes! Who would have thought that a religious woman in the 1800s could give us millennials such great advice?

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Finding courage and joy as a caregiver

By Ariane Detamore | September 5, 2014 |

For seven years, Sister Bernadette Mary Carroll was a caregiver for her ailing sister, Catherine. She cooked, cleaned, shopped for groceries, administered medications, and drove her sister to and from her many appointments; anything she could do to make her life as comfortable as possible.

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Top 7 reasons to be a Providence Associate

By Amy Miranda | August 29, 2014 |

We surveyed our Providence Associates to find out what they liked most about being Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Here’s what they said.

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Sisters share love of golf

By Jason Moon | August 26, 2014 |

Sisters of Providence General Council members Sister Jenny Howard and Sister Dawn Tomaszewski both love the game of golf. Both Sister Jenny and Sister Dawn have athletic backgrounds. While they…

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Providence is profound

By Charles J. Fisher | August 24, 2014 |

For me, Providence is God’s unconditional and interdependent love for each and every creation, given freely to be shared with, by and for every creation. God is present and acting. I may not recognize or sense God’s Providence, especially in times of struggle or pain.

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