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Sister Dawn Tomaszewski

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Content written by Sister Dawn
What is your word for 2019?
I want to pass on the gift of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Who do you want to be now?
I would like to offer hospitality to those seeking asylum in our country. I would like to provide shelter for the innocent in war-torn places and in the violent places in our own U.S. cities. I would like to be a better keeper of the planet.
A reflection for the 2018 Senior Jubilee Celebration
It is toward Love incarnate that we move during this Advent Season
A Reflection for the Providence Associates commitment and renewal
There is nothing more important, more radical, more necessary than community
Reflections for Foundation Day — Oct. 22, 2018
“This is our inheritance — that on an October day in 1840 — six women entered a log cabin chapel and life was never again the same.”
Feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, 2018 reflection
It was about 9:30 p.m. on one of the nights leading up to the opening of the new shrine of Saint Mother Theodore back in October of 2014. I went looking for Father Mark Joseph Costello, who was putting the finishing touches on one of the display cases in the shrine. I wanted to nudge…
Reflecting on our Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is an excellent time and space to touch into those Chapter commitments
Reflections from the 2018 Golden/Silver Jubilee Celebration
Obedience in this day may mean to speak publicly about the ills of our society, to cast down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly, to give the hungry good things and send the rich away empty-handed. To stand, as our Pope Francis suggests over and over again, with those on the margins. And if we are going to stand on the margins, we may have to move, to leave behind all that has become familiar and comfortable for the sake of the reign of God.
Reflections for the local Golden Jubilee celebration
Each of you set forth on a path you thought was marked out by Providence.
Easter 2018 reflection
For so many Easters of my young life, my siblings and I (and our cousins who lived in the apartment above us) would discover sunglasses in each of our Easter baskets. Seldom were these ordinary, boring sunglasses. They were bright-colored, novelty glasses. Typically, some ornate figure or image (flowers or cowboy boots for the boys)…
Transformed and transferred: reflection for the transfer of vows of Sister My Huong Pham
So, though we celebrate My Huong’s transfer of vows today, her transformation in Providence, I urge all of us to see this occasion as an invitation from God to change ourselves … to allow ourselves, through God’s strength and grace, to be transfigured, to take the opportunity to change what we ought to change but have not.
All of life is one holy family (New Year’s, 2018)
In the Catholic Church world this New Year’s Eve we will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. This coincidence of the Feast of the Holy Family and New Year’s Eve got me thinking about my notions of family and what constitutes both family and holiness these days. Is there a New Year’s Resolution to…
Sister Dawn Tomaszewski was elected General Superior of the Sisters of Providence in 2016. She has been a Sister of Providence since 1975. Previously she ministered as a teacher, as communication and development director for the sisters and their ministries and as a member of elected leadership on the general council of the Sisters of Providence.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Dawn, view her sister profile page.