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Sister Dawn Tomaszewski

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Content written by Sister Dawn
‘I’ll be home for Christmas:’ A song of hope and of light in the darkness
This might seem like a strange reflection at a time of the year when we are celebrating a birth, and the operative emotion suggested is JOY
Celebrating the Providence Associates: 10 years in relationship
Sisters of Providence share how they feel about Providence Associates: They give us hope for fresh energy and prophetic wisdom. They give hope for all of us now and into the future united for mission. Providence Associates give us all a greater appreciation of what Providence means. They give us a spiritual and inspirational uplift. They broaden our spirituality.
Providence people: a reflection for Providence Associate rite of first commitment
Let’s abide in being Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates during the coming year and cultivate the union among us by:
So loving our neighbor that we foster community and communion wherever we go.
So showing mercy that we engender hope wherever we go.
So doing justice that our actions and advocacy lead to change and reduce the violence and hatred in our world.
The world does need us for this. And what a sweet and powerful Providence that would be.
2017 reflection for Foundation Day
Thanks, in part, to the latest volume of the SP history written by Sister Maureen Abbott, “New Lights from Old Truths,” we have cast new light on a saying of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. During instructions with the novices, Mother Thedore tells them that she doesn’t have new things to say to them, but she…
2017 Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Feast Day reflection
Happy Feast! I think Mother Theodore might agree that the best part of her being declared a saint is the opportunity it has given us as her beloved community to come together to pray, to sing, to enjoy each other’s presence, to be in communion with one another, to recommit ourselves to carrying on her…
Reflections for Back to School Mass
I offer you the companionship of the Sisters of Providence
Reflection for the reception of Sister Emily TeKolste into the novitiate
What experiences will you welcome to open the eyes of your soul? Will you give the Holy Spirit free access to your mind and your heart so that you will see things in new lights?
Listening, loving, letting go: reflection for profession of vows
“Obedience, chastity, poverty — listening, loving, letting go. These are set before you today in a deeper way. And to return to the scripture for today — God is with you every step of the way.”
Sister Dawn reflects at the vows ceremony for three Sisters of Providence.
Reflecting on Easter: ‘The stone has been rolled away’
Is there any greater joy than life overcoming death? Is there any greater longing than to find the stones of our lives rolled away?
‘Were you there when they crucified, my Lord?’
‘Oh, it does cause me to tremble’
Sister Dawn Tomaszewski was elected General Superior of the Sisters of Providence in 2016. She has been a Sister of Providence since 1975. Previously she ministered as a teacher, as communication and development director for the sisters and their ministries and as a member of elected leadership on the general council of the Sisters of Providence.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Dawn, view her sister profile page.