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Much to learn from two women religious founders

Published on November 12, 2015

Their ministries were filled with humble activities. They rolled up their sleeves, and they dedicated their lives to the people whom others overlooked. Of all the hospitals and schools and ministries they founded, their writings and influence are focused on people, not institutions.

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Providence Hall Activity Room

Providence Hall Activity Room is located within Providence Hall.

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175th Foundation Day Mass

Published on November 9, 2015

The Sisters of Providence celebrated the 2015 Foundation Day on Oct. 22 – which coincided with the conclusion of their 175th year of history at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Below are some…

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Retired teachers never quit; they just choose another course

Published on November 6, 2015

It’s probably not surprising that a former teacher finds it hard to quit teaching. Like many Sisters of Providence, Sister Patricia Geis has continued teaching as an English language tutor long after she could have called it quits in the working world.

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Sister Joni becomes who God created her to be as a Sister of Providence

Published on November 3, 2015

“You enter community and spend three years learning who you are,” Sister Joni said. “The masks that we build start to peel away and you become the person God created you to be.” In her new ministry Sister Joni is reconnecting Saint Patrick School in Terre Haute with the Sisters of Providence, the order that founded the school in 1882.

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Connecting with the Sisters of Providence

Published on November 3, 2015

Sister Joni Luna reflects on religious life

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My friends, the saints

Published on October 31, 2015

We are used to thinking of saints in the past tense. It seems incredible that saints might walk among us today, but they do. What do they do that the rest of us don’t? Not much, really. Sainthood is less a way of doing than a way of being. As Mother Theodore said, “Let us never forget that if we wish to die like the Saints, we must live like them. “

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Saint Mother Theodore Guerin FEST highlights

Published on October 30, 2015

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A wonderful time to get to know the sisters of these Woods

Published on October 30, 2015

It was fitting that our discernment weekend for women interested in knowing more about religious life was during the FEST. It energized me to have seven women who came from Georgia, California, Michigan, and Indiana to have closer interactions with sisters, especially our sisters in initial formation and our sisters who minister in new membership.

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A letter to President Carter from the Sisters of Providence

Published on October 29, 2015

May our compassionate God provide you and Rosalynn with those graces you most need and desire.

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Translating the virtues of heaven

Published on October 28, 2015

Through the years, I have seen that the Sisters of Providence are keenly oriented toward both translating the virtues of heaven and toward the pursuit of justice itself. In seeing this, I have sought to join them — and so it is here and now that our paths converge.

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A caregiver’s prayer

God of Love, as a caregiver, I need the grace to be loving even when I do not love all that I am asked to do. It is extremely difficult to watch the one I love slowly lose their ability to care for self and to witness their pain of illness. More is demanded of my time and sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough of that in the day to tend to all that needs to be done

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