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Found 5049 Results


Providence Family Services’ Annual Rummage Sale Breaks Records

Published on December 22, 2015

Last year, Sister Patty Fillenwarth was quite pleased that the Providence Family Services annual rummage sale cracked $6,000 in proceeds. However, she couldn’t be happier with the results of this…

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Food Pantry receives donation

Published on December 21, 2015

Pantry is one of several organizations to receive donations from local civic group

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What’s your gift?

Published on December 20, 2015

So what is your gift? What can you lay down beside the manger? What would you give if you could give anything in the world?

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Co-creating the future with God

Published on December 17, 2015

Let us be more intentional in allowing Providence to actively engage in our lives. More present to how we are called to co-create in this time of distrust, cultural animosity, economic crisis and increasing violence.

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Christmas Reflection 2015

Published on December 15, 2015

Then I came upon a news story titled “Good Samaritan Rescues Mom at Airport.” This news story led me to the movie It’s A Wonderful Life featuring the angel Clarence Odbody. Those of us old enough to remember this film gained valuable life lessons by watching George Bailey struggling with doubt because of his lack of success in life.

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Providence Hall

Providence Hall is a large multi-story brick building behind the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

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Gaining insight on Our Lady of Providence

Published on December 12, 2015

‘But it is through many years of praying the rosary daily, reflecting anew each morning on the Mysteries appropriate for that day, that I’ve gained some insight into how Mary served, and still serves, as Our Lady of Providence. Although most of the Mysteries have served that purpose, a few have been special sources of inspiration for me.’

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Advent/Christmas Prayer

O Come, O Come, long-awaited Saviorand ever-present Emmanuel!We rejoice in your living among us and within us.At the same time we ask that you … Cure our blindness so that…

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Twenty-one Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees

Published on December 10, 2015

Celebration took place Tuesday, Dec. 8

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Our Rights. Our Freedoms. Always.

Published on December 10, 2015

We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination

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2015 Senior Jubilee Reflection

Published on December 9, 2015

Twenty-One Sisters Celebrated Senior Jubilees Tuesday, Dec. 8

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Published on December 3, 2015

The Sisters of Providence and our Providence Associates have a natural affinity for The Holy Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. This Holy Year begins December 8, 2015 and…

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