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Baking with Sister Ann Kevin O’Connor

Published on October 15, 2015

The novice rolls Sister Ann Kevin into the kitchen in her wheelchair and helps her put on an apron. Sister Ann Kevin goes straight to the recipe on the table and gets right to making suggestions about how to begin. It’s obvious she’s in her element. Sister Ann Kevin shares her wisdom, her life stories and her love of baking with Novice Sister Tracey Horan.

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Every day an adventure for Sister Betty Smigla

Published on October 15, 2015

“It’s overwhelming that another human being from another county who is in need puts so much confidence in us. But that’s a blessing. I’m not a psychologist, I’m not a doctor, but I have a good gut. I build them up. They leave a little more energized, a little more peaceful, knowing at least someone was there to listen to them,” says Sister Betty Smigla of her ministry as a “compañera” to Spanish-speaking clients seeking help navigating complex social systems in Chicago.

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On spirituality and aging

Published on October 15, 2015

Our spirituality is about living our experience of God. We do not “change” spirituality and put on a different one for aging, a different one for work. We don’t change spirituality like we change clothing. Living our experience of God is influenced by each of our temperaments. By our social, financial, educational, denominational and cultural context. And that experience of God, that spirituality, affects our daily living.

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Music lessons with Sister Regina Marie

Published on October 15, 2015

As a new Sister of Providence, Sister Joni saw how important music was to her sisters. She wanted to make sure she honored the rich history of music that dates back to Saint Mother Theodore’s time.

“I wanted to be able to join in the traditional songs and capture the passion the sisters have when they sing.”

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Hope through education in the desert

Published on October 15, 2015

Passion for justice, love for neighbor and deep faith fuel the work at Providence in the Desert in southern California. Sister Carol Nolan (formerly Sister Mary Sheila) founded the ministry 13 years ago at age 69. The dynamic educator went to live among some of the poorest residents of the United States, immigrant laborers in the Coachella Valley. She asked what they needed and then made it happen. Today Sister Carol and Sister Loretta Picucci and a small staff bring classes in the English language to people who need the help.

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Retired sisters share Saint Mother Theodore and her home

Published on October 15, 2015

“When I think of the challenges facing our Congregation today … it may seem like all appearances are against a vibrant future. I am called to remember what the six founding sisters faced, and that deepens my faith and trust in Providence.”

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Devotion at a global level: Sister Mary Rita Griffin

Published on October 15, 2015

Sister Mary Rita Griffin is a person who radiates passion and takes her ministry to heart. Her role as Our Lady of Providence shrine coordinator, which she took on in July of 2014, is no exception to her single-hearted character.
“I have been amazed by the rich friendships that are happening through my role all centered on Our Lady of Providence,” Sister Mary says. “It’s a growing role for me as more people share their love for her, and I love the international flavor of it.”

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Sister Teresa Costello: Love for learning and a healing touch

Published on October 15, 2015

Among Sister Teresa’s volunteer ministries are offering massage to residents of the sisters’ health care facility and sorting vegetables for their Community Supported Agriculture program. Sorting vegtables takes Sister Teresa back to her childhood in Ireland. “I grew up on a farm, so it is very life-giving to me to get these foods ready for sharing and for selling at the Terre Haute Farmers’ market,” she says.
“I love working with the sisters and other elders in health care. I enjoy learning from them as they share with me as I give them a shoulder massage or rub their hands,” she said. “It is comforting to them.”

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Chocolate for everyone! – A Fair Trade Event

Published on October 12, 2015

Sisters, SMWC students partake in Choctoberfest!

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‘Change our politics and not just our policies’

Published on October 7, 2015

Sisters Arrianne Whittaker, Mary Mundy offer perspective of Nuns on the Bus stops

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Running in the dark

Published on October 5, 2015

Sister Tracey reflects on the experience of running in the dark and what it teaches her about community: “As silly as I knew my fear of the dark was…the knowledge of other bouncing lights was so hopeful to me in those pre-dawn moments.”

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Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Feast Day reflection

Published on October 3, 2015

175 years ago, our beginning was humble. We let go of what we knew and we embraced what was to come. 175 years later we are being asked to do the same. Trust me — as we continue to walk into this new era, as Sisters of Providence, Providence Associates, supporters and friends, we will grow into this era. Be patient. Be prayerful.

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