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Found 5039 Results


Reflecting on Crises with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Published on May 13, 2020

“My very dear and beloved Daughters … I have confidence that God will not permit any of you to be attacked by the epidemic. Be cheerful, kind to one another; having nothing on your conscience that could trouble you. Do not fast. Let your food be wholesome and well prepared.”

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A reflection for Mother’s Day

Published on May 10, 2020

Traditions are ways for us to pass along the memories from one generation to another.

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Congregation names new alpaca Providence Raphael Anthony

Published on May 8, 2020

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, recently welcomed a new addition to its alpaca herd, Providence Raphael Anthony. Providence Raphael Anthony, “Tony” for short, was given this name…

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Letter to Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York

Published on May 8, 2020

For these reasons and with all due respect we ask you to clarify your much-publicized praise for Mr. Trump’s leadership

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Prayer in this Time of Need

Published on May 7, 2020

‘There were, and continue to be, many good things that have come from this time …’

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Nurses Day prayers from the Sisters of Providence

Published on May 6, 2020

Three of our Sisters of Providence with nursing backgrounds offer prayers for nurses during this time of coronavirus epidemic.

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Be with your healthcare workers, oh Lord

Almighty God, as they walk the halls of sickness, help them to be a healing presence

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Jesus the Breath of Life, our Hope: a nurse’s prayer during coronavirus

May this layer of protection never be a separation of compassion.
With so many sick, help us to give quality when unable to give time.

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A Nurse’s Call

May we see and touch every patient as if it were you.

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Teachers have a lasting impact

Published on May 5, 2020

We thought this story shared by Sister Florence Norton illustrates how special the relationship with a teacher can be, even after many years!

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A nurses’ prayer to be enough during COVID-19 pandemic

Lord Jesus, You only have us,
to stand in for You. Make ours Your healing touch. Make ours the words You’d speak.
Make our outreach to families and loved ones the comfort and hope You’d give.
Let us be Your love.

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The Art of Isolation

Published on May 1, 2020

Let the holy within you rise
to greet silence as a friend
and enter into prayer
that moves and lives
and has being in you
for as long as it lasts.

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