A Nurse’s Call

God of Compassion, enliven our spirits with your goodness.
As you breathed on the apostles, resuscitate our hope as we minister.
You cried with the death of Lazarus, soothe our grief.
Raise our patients to life here or to eternity with you.
May we see and touch every patient as if it were you.
May no bodily discharge or behavior appear repulsive, but as your essence of call.
Refuel our professional art and science with creativity and accuracy.
May our feet be grounded in ethical behavior.
Soothe our fears of contagion and our body from exhaustion.
Move us out of self to be a team of Olympic champs.
And when we go home to our families may your healing presence continue.
Keep them safe from all ailments of body, mind and soul.
Thank you for the CALL to nurse humankind.
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