Prayer in this Time of Need
Please join us on this National Day of Prayer, in praying this prayer (see below) together with the Sisters of Providence. The Sisters of Providence are praying for you and your families daily. Sister Paula Damiano shares with us how she came to write this special prayer in these anxious times.
Note from Sister Paula, author of Prayer in this Time of Need: I was asked what it was that made me write this prayer. I can only say that it was the result of thoughts that came into my heart shortly after learning that the virus was spreading so rapidly.
During my quiet time of prayer, I began to remember all of those being affected and the list grew longer each day. First, it was the sick and dying. Then I would wonder about their family members who were suffering so much sadness. Then the news became filled with stories from nurses, doctors, paramedics, and hospital staff who were exhausted, grieving, fearful and themselves often overcome with emotion.

Leaders of nations, governors in the United States, mayors of towns across the country, were being faced with extremely difficult decisions and in many of them, I could see such anguish as they reported the number of new cases and the number of deaths on any given day.
There were, and continue to be, many good things that have come from this time, not the least of which is the reduction in air pollution. Less travel means fewer emissions and so I was reminded that we need to continue working on a vaccine to prevent this virus and we must work at finding ways to prevent further destruction of our planet.
There were a few days when, during my prayer time, words of our Saint Mother Theodore came to me. I couldn’t remember the exact quote so I went to her shrine to read exactly what she said.
Of course! I needed these words!
She said, “Who will now protect us? I turned to my God and felt my confidence reanimated. If he takes away our last support is it not because He wishes to be the sole support of his Daughters of the Woods? There never was such pressings need of His help as now.”
Her absolute trust in God was and is the kind of trust I hope we have in these days.
So, when I was asked to write a prayer, I simply put into words the prayer that was in my heart. Please pray with us on this National Day of Prayer, and every day after that.
Prayer in this Time of Need
Healing God,
You are the Giver of Life;
be with us during these days as we face this global epidemic.
Heal those who are sick. Restore them to full health.
Heal our fears. Place peace in our hearts.
Heal the lonely. Give them companions to comfort them.
Heal those who have lost loved ones. Mend their broken hearts.
Strengthen health care personnel.
Strengthen those who must make difficult decisions.
Strengthen our resolve to heal this planet.
Strengthen each of us on this uncharted path.
Provident God, we place our trust in you, now and always.
Thank you for sharing how prayer arises from our heart where Jesus dwells within us!
Dear Sister: Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and much needed prayer. I needed reminded every so often that Our Lord never leaves us .I’m poring out my heart and soul to all who are hurting and need our Lord in any way. Thank you for your soul charge. Praise God and Providence.