Sisters of Providence seek public input through survey
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, have launched a new survey aimed at gathering valuable insights to support future strategic planning efforts.

The survey, accessible via their website and social media platforms, seeks to better understand the needs and preferences of the Wabash Valley community.
The survey includes 20 questions ranging from customer experience to program and services recommendations.
You can access the survey by clicking here.
General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, SP, said the survey will help the Congregation in the future regarding events, workshops, retreats and more, in addition to helping the Sisters of Providence learn more about the many different communities surrounding Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
“The desire of an organization like ours is to serve the needs of the people in our community or, as we like to say, to bring love, mercy and justice to the people and places that touch our lives,” Sister Dawn said. “This survey gives us the opportunity to gain the insights of our friends and supporters about our existing programs and services.”
Sister Dawn added that the survey information can also help the Congregation know what they may need to implement in the future.
“With these insights and information, we would hope to learn what has been helpful to people while also pinpointing areas in need of enhancement,” she said. “Overall, I hope we will gain vital data that will support strategic decision-making and lead to programs and services that will improve the quality of life here in the Wabash Valley and beyond.”