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Sisters to host ‘Autumn Tea’
If you love tea, plan on joining the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, for the upcoming “Autumn Tea” event, scheduled to take place from 2:30-4:30 p.m., on Sunday, Oct. 15, in the O’Shaughnessy Dining Hall at Providence Spirituality & Conference Center at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Enjoy delicate pastries and a variety of teas from around the world along with others and facilitators Sister Jan Craven, SP, and Sister Paula Damiano, SP.
“We will have a special prayer service and reflection on the healthy benefits of tea,” Sister Jan said. “Behind water, tea ranks as the most popular drink in the world. It has been harvested, at least, since 2700 B.C., that is three millenniums before coffee!
“Tea provides a big dose of antioxidants, and helps reduce heart attacks, plus a whole host of other health benefits.”
Sister Jan added many different teas will be served, including Market Spice, Jasmine Oolong and more.
Cost is $30 and the registration deadline is Oct. 12.
Register online here or by calling 812-535-2952 or emailing provctr@spsmw.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.