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Find greater meaning, community as a Providence Associate
Martha Pluckebaum, of Greenwood, Ind., said becoming a Providence Associate and deepening her relationship with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, has been illuminating.
“I have grown in relying on God’s Providence and in not being worried about what the future holds,” Martha said. “I am also intrigued by Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her belief in God’s Providence. I am inspired by her and the history of the Sisters of Providence.”

If you are looking for spiritual enrichment, support, a community or a sense of mission, God may be nudging you to become a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence. Applications are being accepted for those considering being a Providence Associate in the coming year until June 30.
Providence Associates are people of faith, ages 18 years and older, who share their own unique gifts and talents with others while walking with the Sisters of Providence.
The Providence Associate relationship with the Sisters of Providence began in 2007. Currently, there are more than 300 Providence Associates in the United States and Taiwan.
Accepted applicants spend a year meeting one-on-one on a regular basis with a Sister of Providence or another Providence Associate companion. During the meetings, the candidates and their companions learn and share about Providence Spirituality.
Accepted candidates attend an orientation at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in November. Following the orientation, the candidate and companion usually meet once a month – in-person, virtually or by phone – for the coming year.
Are you being called to create a more just and hope-filled world with the Sisters of Providence? Contact Providence Associate Co-Director Sister Sue Paweski at 312-909-7492 or spaweski@spsmw.org to request an application. Learn more or request an application online at Learn more at ProvidenceAssociates.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.