Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Sister Hang Tran!
Sister Hang Tran has been a Dominican Sister of Tem Hiep, located in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, for 17 years.
In August of 2019, Sister Hang traveled out of her home country for the first time in her life to come to the United States to study exercise science at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and has been staying with the Sisters of Providence.
“I want to help my family and our elder sisters, as well as the poor in my country,” Sister Hang said regarding her decision to study exercise science.

A Desire to Learn More
While she is working on her degree, Sister Hang also wanted to learn more about American culture and opted to volunteer with some of the ministries of the Sisters of Providence. She contacted Sister Rebecca Keller, SP, who ministers as the Director of the Volunteer Program.
Their discussion first led Sister Hang to White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, where she volunteered by skirting alpaca fiber and various other tasks. Sister Hang has also volunteered at Providence Food Pantry, under the guidance of food pantry director, Sister Joseph Fillenwarth, SP.
A Necessary Blessing
Sister Hang feels her time at Providence Food Pantry has been a blessing.
“There are so many happy people at the food pantry,” Sister Hang commented. “They share many things with me and that has enriched me. I keep them all in my daily prayers. Volunteering has also helped me understand more about the culture in this country.
“I think it’s really necessary for me.”
A Valuable Experience

Sister Hang said the experience she has received at Providence Food Pantry, as well as White Violet Center, has inspired her to explore creating more volunteer opportunities in her home country when she returns.
“We do have some volunteer services, but there are few,” she said, adding members of her congregation help provide food for residents in need at least once a week. “I hope in the future, we can have more.”
“We love having Sister Hang here with us!” Sister Rebecca chimed in. “Not only do we appreciate the service she gives us, but Hang brings enthusiasm and a positive energy to wherever she is!”
With a few years left of study, Sister Hang said she is interested in learning more about the American culture and may volunteer with the Sisters of Providence in other locations.
“I might try volunteering somewhere else,” she said. “I want all of the experience.”

Volunteer With Us!
The Sisters of Providence offer many volunteer opportunities where you can make a difference, learn new skills and feel your time is valued.
For more information about volunteering with the Sisters of Providence, contact Sister Rebecca at rkeller@spsmw.org or log on to volunteer@spsmw.org.
We are blessed to have Sister Hang at the Woods. She’s a cheerful giver and diligent SMWC student. She is always ready of help and she is fun to work with.
Simply to be in Sr. Hang’s presence is to experience her joy and enthusiasm. Always she gives me hope. Thank dear Hang.
She is a gift to our Providence community! Thank you, Hang!