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‘Little Known Facts’ about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Plan to spend the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 16, with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, as Sister Jan Craven, SP, hosts “Little Known Facts” regarding Saint Mother Theodore Guerin – foundress of the Sisters of Providence.
The workshop will take place from 6:30-8 p.m., in the Foley Room at Providence Spirituality & Conference Center and/or virtually.

During the workshop, Sister Jan will discuss the connection Saint Mother Theodore had with a person drowning in the Wabash River in 1845. Other discussions will include whether Mother Theodore was ever accused of using counterfeit money and more.
“Like most things in life, there are always more things to be uncovered, recovered and discovered,” Sister Jan said. “I love, love, love discovering some little known interesting facts about Saint Mother Theodore Guerin that makes her even more real to us today.”
Sister Jan said she enjoys offering these types of workshops, especially when it comes to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. She added when she offers this particular workshop, reactions are mixed.
“There are groups who come here and say they ‘know’ her quite well,” Sister Jan said. “Then I ask them if they want to take a ‘test’ on her life and they always decline! People enjoy having their thoughts and knowledge ratified and supported, but I think for the most part, people always love learning something new.
“As we get further and further away from her canonization, we all need to learn something new about her and keep her alive for us in our times today. It is important to scour her letters and writings, the history books and the archives for things that have never been published. Living during her own pandemic helps us relate to her right now!”
Cost to attend the workshop is $15 and the registration deadline is Nov. 11.
Register online here or by calling 812-535-2952 or emailing provctr@spsmw.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.