Visiting Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress took place on Feb. 20-23, 2020. It is the largest annual gathering of its kind in the world.
The four-day event took place at the Anaheim Convocation Center and was sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Education. This year, we were funded by our gracious donors to attend this impressive four-day event.

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin once said, “What a sweet Providence it is to find friends thus willing to assist us.” I echo her profound words of gratitude as I recognize what significance these words still have for us today as we continue the mission of sharing Providence in the world. What a Providential opportunity to share our charism with more than 40,000 people from around the world at LA Congress.
Sisters Janice Smith, Editha Ben and Jessica Vitente set up our booth and began the exhilarating task of sharing our faith, charism, and love of God with those who stopped by our booth.
It was a particularly special event for Sister Jessica, a California native, who was celebrating her fifth year as a Sister of Providence after meeting us at LA Congress. She attracted various young people to our booth from her years of working in Youth Ministry at Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Rowland Heights and St. Denis Church in Diamond Bar, Calif.
We have had significant contacts with young women who are interested in religious life. In fact, we have continued to communicate with them since being home.
To our donors, we say “What a sweet Providence you are to our ministry!”
Thank you for your prayers, kindness and support.
It was so inspiring and hopeful to have our younger members – Sisters Joni Luna & Jessica Vitente -interact and attract discerners and those who want to know more about our dear Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. What a gift that Sister Joni could communicate in Spanish especially to the so many Hispanic Catechists and parish leaders.
Thanks, Joni. I will pray for the women you spoke with to be open to the Holy Spirit and perhaps answer the call to discernment for a religious vocation!