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Sisters of Providence celebrate Jubilees

Nine Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are celebrating 50-year Jubilees this year.
50-year Jubilarians
Sister Editha Ben is a native of Vigan, ILocos Sur, Philippines. Currently, she ministers as the director of vocations for the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Editha, formerly Sister Editha Expedita S.P.C., entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres on May 10, 1967, and professed final vows on Feb. 1, 1975. Sister Editha transferred her vows to the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence in June 2002.
She graduated from Rosary College, Vigan, ILocos Sur, Philippines, with bachelor’s degrees in education, English and mathematics. She earned a master’s degree in theological studies at Ateneo De Manila University.
Sister Editha ministered as the Director of Religious Education at St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Bensenville, Illinois, and as an instructor and staffer in the Office of International Affairs at Providence University in Taiwan.
Sister Paula Damiano is a native of New Castle, Pennsylvania. Currently, she serves as director of Retreats and Programs and Co-Director at Providence Spirituality & Conference Center, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Paula entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from St. Anthony Claret, Anaheim, California. She professed final vows on Dec. 8, 1974.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in art. She earned a master’s degree in theological spirituality from Fordham University.
Her ministries include:
- Orange, Calif.: Teacher, Marywood (1972-77),
- Orange, Calif.: Associate Director of Vocations, Diocese of Orange (1977-83),
- Yorba Linda, Calif.: Pastoral Associate/Provincial Councilor, St. Martin de Porres Parish (1983-91),
- Yorba Linda, Calif.: Associate Pastor, St. Martin de Porres Parish (1992),
- Orange, Calif.: Catechetical Faculty Member, Diocese of Orange (1993-94),
- Orange, Calif.: Vocation Ministry Coordinator Team/Catechetical Teacher, Sisters of Providence (1994-96),
- Yorba Linda, Calif.: Vocation Ministry Coordinator, Sisters of Providence (1996-97),
- Yorba Linda, Calif.: Vocation Director, Sisters of Providence (1997-2001),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: General Councilor, Sisters of Providence (2001-2011),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Coordinator of Programming, Sisters of Providence (2012-13), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director of Retreats and Programs, Providence Spirituality & Conference Center (2013-14).
Sister Jean Kenny is a native of Chicago. Currently, she ministers at St. Matthew Parish and School in Indianapolis.
Sister Jean, formerly Sister Keith, entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from Queen of Angels, Chicago. She professed perpetual vows on Oct. 4, 1980.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She earned a master’s degree in religious education from Loyola University in Chicago, and another master’s degree in human services counseling from DePaul University. She also earned a master of divinity degree from Loyola University in Chicago.
Her Archdiocese of Chicago ministries include:
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Francis Borgia (1972-76),
- River Grove: Theology Department, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1976-78),
- River Grove: Religion and Alcohol Education, Mother Theodore Guerin High School (1978-86),
- Des Plaines: Pastoral Associate, St. Mary Parish (1986-88),
- Chicago: Pastoral Associate, St. Monica Parish (1988-90),
- Chicago: Pastoral Associate, St. Thecla Parish (1990),
- Chicago: Teacher, Dean of Students, St. Benedict High School (1991-92),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Cornelius School (1993-94),
- Chicago: Teacher, Weber High School (1994-98),
- Chicago: Guidance Counselor, Holy Cross High School (1998-2000),
- Chicago: Guidance Counselor and Substitute Teacher, Immaculate Conception School (2000),
- Chicago: School Assistant, Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center (2000-03),
- Chicago: Guidance Counselor, William H. Howard Taft High School (2004-05),
- Chicago: Guidance Counselor, Holy Trinity High School (2005-06),
- Chicago: Substitute Teacher, Tutor, Parish Ministry, St. Francis Borgia School (2007-08),
- Chicago: Teacher, St. Priscilla School (2008-09), and
- Chicago: Assistant to Director of Religious Education, St. Francis Borgia Parish (2010-11).
Sister Delan Ma is a native of Yu-Ching, Taiwan. Currently, she ministers as the Vocation Director for Asia for the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Delan entered the Congregation on Oct. 1, 1967, from St. Paul, Kuangfu, Taiwan. She professed final vows on Dec. 4, 1977.
She graduated from Fu Jen University with a bachelor’s degree in theology. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Her ministries include:
- Taichung, Taiwan: Young Christian Workers, Prison Ministry, Providence College (1971-73),
- Taishan, Taiwan: Young Christian Workers, Mother Gratia Spirituality Center (1973-75),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Campus Minister, Young Christian Workers, Prison Ministry, Providence College (1975-76),
- Taishan, Taiwan: Director of Hostel, Mother Gratia Spirituality Center (1978-80),
- Taipei, Taiwan: Counselor, Hostel, Secretary Bishop’s Committee, Lin-Kuo Parish, Fu Jen Catholic University, Mother Gratia Spirituality Center (1980-82),
- Taishan, Taiwan: Secretary Bishop’s Committee, Hostel, Lin-Kuo Parish, Director of Formation, Mother Gratia Spirituality Center (1982-84),
- Taipei, Taiwan: Director of Formation, Director of Hostel, Lin-Kuo Parish, Mother Gratia Spirituality Center (1984-88),
- Tainan, Taiwan: Director of Formation, Yu-Ching (1988-90),
- Tainan, Taiwan: Director of Formation, Yu-Ching Parish (1990-91),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Parish Minister, St. Bernadine Parish, Shalu (1991-92),
- Tainan, Taiwan: Parish Minister, Lungtien, Kuantien & Liuchia Catholic Church (1992-2000),
- Taishan, Taiwan: Director, Miracle Place (2000-10),
- Taiwan: Director, Miracle Home (2011-12),
- Taishan, Taiwan: Director, Miracle Home; Vocation Director for Asia (2012-13), and
- Taiwan: Director of Novices for Asia/Vocation Director for Asia (2013-14).
Sister Marianne Mader is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as the Archivist/coordinator for the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Marianne, formerly Sister Ann Eugene, entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from St. Philip Neri, Indianapolis. She professed final vows on March 8, 1975.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also earned a master’s of arts in library science with a medical certification from the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences, Dominican University, River Forest, Ill.
Her ministries include:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1971-72),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1972-77),
- Indianapolis: Medical Librarian, Community Hospital (1978-85),
- Indianapolis: Library Coordinator, Community Hospital (1985-86),
- Indianapolis: Staff Librarian/Research Analyst, Community Hospital Library and Hand Surgery Association of Indiana (1986-88),
- Indianapolis: Reference Librarian, Community Hospital (1988-93),
- Ontario, Canada: Holistic Personal Growth Program (1996),
- Indianapolis: Medical Information Assistant, Crossroads Rehabilitation Center (1997-98),
- Indianapolis: Instructional Assistant-Computers, Holy Spirit (1998-2002),
- Indianapolis: Librarian, Holy Angels School (2002-06),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Archive Research, Sisters of Providence (2006-09), and
- Cincinnati, Ohio: Patient Advocate, BioRx.
Sister Barbara McClelland is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers as the Co-Director of Miracle Place, Indianapolis.
Sister Barbara, formerly Sister Mary Barbara, entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from Holy Name, Beech Grove, Indiana. She professed final vows on Oct. 25, 1980.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She also earned a master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her ministries include:
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Simon (1971-76),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1976-80),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, Holy Cross (1980-81),
- Indianapolis: Principal, Holy Cross Central (1981-96), and
- Paintsville, Ky.: Principal, Our Lady of the Mountains (1996-98).
Sister Mary Montgomery is a native of Bramble, Indiana. Currently, she ministers as the Retreat and Spiritual Director/Volunteer, at Providence Spirituality & Conference Center and Ministry of Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Mary, formerly Sister Aaron, entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from St. Joseph, Loogootee, Ind. She professed final vows on Oct. 15, 1977.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She also earned a master’s degree in pastoral theology from the Catholic Theological Union/Catholic Graduate School of Theology, Chicago.
Her ministries include:
- Indianapolis: Student Teacher, St. Patrick School (1971),
- Indianapolis: Teacher, All Saints School (1972-75),
- Sellersburg, Ind.: Teacher, St. Paul (1975-78),
- Albany, Ky.: Pastoral Team Member, Cumberland Catholic Church/Burkesville and Emmanuel Catholic Church (1978-83),
- Brandenburg, Ky.: Pastoral Associate/Provincial Councilor, International Parish Youth Ministries (1985-91),
- Bloomington, Ind.: Provincial Councilor/Pastoral Associate, St. Paul Catholic Center (1991),
- Bloomington, Ind.: Pastoral Associate, St. Paul Catholic Center (1992-97),
- Bloomington, Ind.: Director, Providence Volunteer Ministry (1997-2000),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Director, Providence Volunteer Ministry (2000-05),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Secretary, Mayor Kevin Burke’s Office, City Hall (2006-07),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Director, Terre Haute Deanery Pastoral Center (2008-14),
- Terre Haute, Ind.: Director/Spiritual Director, Terre Haute Deanery Pastoral Center (2014), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Retreat and Spiritual Director, Sisters of Providence (2015-16).
Sister Danielle Sullivan is a native of Melrose, Mass. Currently, she ministers as a staff accountant for the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brighton, Mass.
Sister Danielle, formerly Sister Mary Lou, entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from St. Joseph, Malden, Mass. She professed final vows on Aug. 15, 1973.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She also earned a master’s degree in administration from the University of Notre Dame.
Her ministries include:
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1971-74),
- College Parke, Md.: Teacher, Holy Redeemer (1974-75),
- Somerville, Mass.: Teacher, St. Polycarp (1975-77),
- Washington, D.C.: Teacher, St. Ann (1977-79),
- Malden, Mass.: Teacher, Cheverus (1979-80),
- Quincy, Mass.: Provincial Treasurer, St. Raphael Province (1980-84),
- Fall River, Mass.: Provincial Treasurer, St. Raphael Province House (1984-88),
- Rockland, Mass.: Principal, Holy Family, and Provincial Councilor, St. Raphael Province House (1988-91),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: General Treasurer/Councilor (1991-96),
- Beverly, Mass.: Principal, St. Mary Star of the Sea School (1996-2000), and
- Everett, Mass.: Director of Financial Operations, Sisters of Notre Dame/Boston Province Center (2000-04).
Sister Celeste Tsai is a native of Tainan Hsien, Taiwan. Currently, she ministers as translator and Providence University Affairs Consultant at Providence University, Taichung City, Taiwan.
Sister Celeste entered the Congregation on Aug. 30, 1967, from Taichung City, Taiwan. She professed final vows on Sept. 28, 1980.
She graduated from Providence University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She earned a master’s degree in Asian Studies from Seton Hall University.
Her ministries include:
- Hsin Chaung, Taiwan: Instructor, Fu Jen University (1973-74),
- Taichung, Taiwan: English instructor, library director, Providence College (1974-77),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Library director, instructor, regional treasurer, campus ministry, Providence College (1977-79),
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: ELI Program, instructor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1979-80),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Instructor, library director, regional treasurer, campus ministry, Providence College (1980-85),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Instructor, director of Luking Library, regional treasurer, Providence College (1985-87),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Instructor, library director, regional treasurer, Providence College (1987-89),
- Taichung, Taiwan: Regional Superior, instructor, library director, Providence University (1989-91),
- Yuching, Tainan, Taiwan: Director of Formation, Regional Superior (1991-92),
- Shalu, Taichung, Taiwan: Director of Formation, instructor, Luking Library director, Providence University (1992-93),
- Shalu, Taichung, Taiwan: Instructor, Luking Library director, Providence University (1993-2008),
- Taiwan: Part-time instructor, Providence University (2008-2010), and
- Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind.: Translator, Sisters of Providence (2010-11).
About the Sisters of Providence
The Sisters of Providence, a congregation of 214 women religious, with 300 Providence Associates, collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. The Sisters of Providence have their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, located just northwest of downtown Terre Haute, Ind., which is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840. Today, Sisters of Providence minister in 13 states, the District of Columbia and Asia, through works of love, mercy and justice. More information about the Sisters of Providence and their ministries can be found at SistersofProvidence.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.