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New Sisters of Providence  postulant emily-knocking

Emily TeKolste of Indianapolis, Indiana, is the newest woman to enter the Sisters of Providence. Emily entered Sept. 7, 2016, with a traditional ceremony that begins with knocking on the doors to Providence Hall. In her first year with the Sisters of Providence, called the postulant year, Emily will live in a small formation community with other Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She will spend time learning about, experiencing life with and praying with the Sisters of Providence community. Learn more about Emily here.

Pilgrims walk to The Woods!

pilgrimage-art-for-hopeOn June 7, eight pilgrims began an 80-mile journey from Indianapolis to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Led by Jim Recasner and Monica Robinson, the group began its trip passing through the Holy Door of Mercy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Indianapolis. Their five-day journey included stops at the Knights of Columbus Mater Dei Council, St. Susanna in Plainfield, Mount Meridian in Putnam County, St. Paul the Apostle Church in Greencastle, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Brazil, and St. Patrick Church in Terre Haute. During the trip, the group read about Saint Mother Theodore and prayed for her intercession. Upon arrival at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on June 11, the weary travelers were warmly welcomed in Providence Hall by a large group of sisters. The pilgrims finished their journey visiting the sacred spaces, including the Shrine.

Mother Marie Gratia Luking remains transferred


Sisters of Providence in Taiwan (from left) Mary He, Donna Marie Fu, Delan Ma, Celeste Tsai and Sophia Chen with the cremains of Mother Marie Gratia Luking

In 1919, then Sister Marie Gratia Luking (1885-1964) was chosen to lead a group of sisters on a mission to China. In 1920, the group of sisters arrived in Kaifeng, China, and began a ministry, eventually settling in Taichung, Taiwan. Sister Marie Gratia was bestowed the title “Mother” in 1960 because of her role as foundress of the Missionary Sisters of Providence. In January 2016, her remains were moved from a grave in a cemetery in Taichung. The remains were cremated and placed in the cemetery of the Missionary Sisters of Providence.

Sister Joni Luna makes first vowsjoni-bless

Congratulations to Sister Joni Luna who made her first vows as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on June 26, 2016. Sister Joni is a native of San Antonio, Texas. She currently ministers as athletic director and physical education/religion teacher at Saint Patrick School in Terre Haute, Indiana.

Sister Barbara Sheehan honoredsheehan_barbara

Sister Barbara Sheehan was honored by the Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance for her partnership in providing a foundation for change for those living with HIV/AIDS and facing homelessness. At a special Prayer Service of Gratitude on June 21, she received the organization’s President Award.

Sisters of Providence celebrate Jubilees!

On Saturday, June 25, 2016, four Sisters of Providence celebrated their Jubilees. Sisters Cathy Campbell, Mary Jo Piccione and Linda Thompson all celebrated their 50th Jubilee, while Sister My Huong Pham celebrated her 25th. On hand for the celebration included (front, from left) General Officer Sister Mary Beth Klingel, Sister Cathy, Sister My Huong, General Superior Sister Denise Wilkinson, (back) Sister Linda, General Officer Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, General Officer Sister Jenny Howard, Vicar/General Officer Sister Lisa Stallings and Sister Mary Jo.

(Originally published in the Fall 2016 issue of HOPE magazine.)

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Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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  1. Avatar Mary Lou Fabbri on July 24, 2017 at 2:36 am

    So enjoying every bit of this website! I am a 12 year lucky student of the Sisters of Providence at St Rose in Chelsea.Such precious memories especially of Sr. Catherine Hartman and all our fun at Fordham UN. One of my daughters even graduated St. Rose High and went on to UC Irvine.One of our boys graduated St Rose Grammar School, went on to graduate Suffolk Un., Boston. Many thanks and prayers, Mary Lou Fabbri

    • Amy Miranda Amy Miranda on July 24, 2017 at 8:41 am

      Thanks for sharing Mary Lou!

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