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Twenty-one Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
A total of 21 Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, celebrated 60-, 70-, 75- and 80-year Jubilees this year.

60-year Jubilarians
Sister Mary Ann Phelan is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. Currently, she ministers as a sign language instructor at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and as a volunteer at Providence Spirituality and Conference Center, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Mary Ann, formerly Sister Marie Marcella, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955, from St. Clement, Lansdowne, Maryland. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in social studies.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Associate Promoter of Mother Theodore Cause (2003-07),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Volunteer at Woods Day Care/Pre-School (2006-07), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Receptionist, fundraiser at Woods Day Care/Pre-School; sign language instructor (2010-14).
Sister Mary Ann has also ministered in Illinois, Massachusetts, Washington, D.C. and Maryland.
Sister Nancy Nolan is a native of Galesburg, Illinois. Currently, she ministers as the vocation office coordinator for the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Nancy, formerly Sister Jean Paula, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1955, from Corpus Christi, Galesburg, Illinois. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1962.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in education from the University of Illinois and her MPS in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1959-65),
• Terre Haute: Associate Administrator, Director of Religious Studies, St. Ann Parish (1985-86), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Superior, Sisters of Providence (1986-96).
Sister Nancy has also ministered in Oklahoma and Illinois.
Sister Ann Matilda Holloran is a native of Indianapolis. Currently, she ministers in holistic health services, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Ann Matilda entered the Congregation on Jan. 5, 1955, from St. Anthony, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1962.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in elementary education from Ball State University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Jude (1966-71),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Simon (1971-77),
• Fort Wayne: Associate Pastor, Church of St. Therese (1978-85),
• Indianapolis: Pastoral Associate, St. Bernadette Parish (1985-89),
• Indianapolis: Chaplain, Community Hospital East (1989-2006),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Minister of Care, Health Care Services (2006-08), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Administrator, Ministry of Care, Health Care Services (2008-12).
Sister Ann Matilda has also ministered in Illinois.
Sister Jean Fuqua is a native of Owensboro, Kentucky. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Jean, formerly Sister Jean Marian, entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1955, from Immaculate, Owensboro, Kentucky. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1962.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She earned her master’s degree in mathematics from the University of Notre Dame, and her MBA in business management from Indiana University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1962-67),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Dean of Students, Math, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1967-73),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vice President Student Affairs, Math, Physical Science, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1973-77),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vice President for Development, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1977-85),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Professor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1987-98),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Coordinator, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice (1998-2002), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Assistant Director, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice (2002-10).
Sister Jean has also ministered in Illinois.
Sister Alice Ann Rhinesmith is a native of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. Currently, she ministers in health care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Alice Ann entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1955, from St. Joan of Arc, Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1962.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in business education. She earned a master’s degree in business education/office administration from Ball State University, and another in health services administration from the University of St. Francis, Joliet, Illinois.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Hammond: Teacher, St. Joseph (1959-60),
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1963-67),
• Terre Haute: Teacher, Schulte High School (1967-68),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Chartrand High School (1968-69),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Roncalli High School (1969-71),
• Indianapolis: Secretary/Treasurer, St. Gabriel Province House (1971-73),
• Indianapolis: Treasurer, St. Gabriel Province House (1973-78),
• New Albany: Administrator, Providence Retirement Home (1978-79), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vice President for Business Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1979-86).
Sister Alice Ann has also ministered in Illinois.
Sister Josephine Bryan is a native of Hollywood, Maryland. Currently, she ministers in holistic health services, Apple Valley, California.
Sister Josephine, formerly Sister Joseph Anthony, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955, from Holy Redeemer, College Park, Maryland. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her BSN in nursing from St. Xavier University, Chicago, and a MSN in medical and surgical nursing from the University of Indianapolis.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Andrew (1960-61),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1961-64),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Infirmary, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1964-65),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Head Nurse, Infirmary at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1967-69),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Supervisor, Infirmary at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1971-73),
• Lafayette: Staff nurse, St. Elizabeth Hospital (1973-74), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Director of Nursing at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1976-84).
Sister Josephine also served as a nurse in the Vietnam War from 1969-71.
She has also ministered in Illinois, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Wisconsin and California.
Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara is a native of Louisville, Kentucky. Currently, she ministers as the General Treasurer for the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Ann Margaret entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955, from St. Anthony, Clarksville, Indiana. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She earned her master’s degree in business education from Indiana University and another master’s degree in pastoral theology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Chartrand High School (1963-67),
• Indianapolis: Executive Secretary, St. Gabriel Province (1975-76),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Dean of Administration, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1976-77),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vice President for Student Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1977-78),
• Indianapolis: Provincial, St. Gabriel Province (1978-86),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Councilor, Sisters of Providence (1991-96),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vicar, Sisters of Providence (1996-2001),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: General Superior, Sisters of Providence (2001-06)
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Executive Director/Consultant, Women of Providence in Collaboration, Religious Retirement Organization (2007-12).
Sister Margaret Quinlan is a native of Troy, New York. Currently, she ministers as an adjunct instructor at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Sister Margaret, formerly Sister Ann Jude, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955, from Holy Spirit, Evansville. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in social studies. She earned her MAT in English from Indiana University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Nativity (1960-62),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Teacher, Aspirancy (1964-66),
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1972-78),
• Evansville: WED Advisor (1978-79),
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1979-81),
• Evansville; Teacher, Evansville Reitz Memorial High School (1981-94),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Adjunct Instructor/Research Assistant Tutor, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1996), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Adjunct Instructor/Director of Education, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1996-2006).
Sister Margaret has also ministered in Texas and Illinois.
Sister Suzanne Dailey is a native of Lincoln, Nebraska. Currently, she ministers as the General Secretary of the Sisters of Providence.
Sister Suzanne, formerly Sister Suzanne Marie, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1955, from St. Ambrose, Cheverly, Maryland.
She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1963.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in social studies. She earned her master’s degree in United States history from Indiana University, and her doctorate in United States history from the University of St. Louis. She also earned a master’s degree in education from Southern Illinois University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence (1964-67),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Associate Professor History, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1971-82),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1982-90), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Executive Vice President/Provost, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1990-93).
Sister Suzanne has also ministered in Illinois and California.

70-year Jubilarians
Sister Martha Steidl is a native of Paris, Illinois. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Martha, formerly Sister Marie Aquinas, entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from St. Mary, Paris, Illinois. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Wood College with a bachelor’s degree in music. She earned her master’s degree in music from Catholic University of America, and another master’s degree in religious studies from Mundelein University, Chicago.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Cathedral High School (1950-52),
• Vincennes: Teacher, St. Rose Academy (1953),
• Evansville: Teacher, Evansville Reitz Memorial High School (1959-66),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Instructor of Music, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1973-77),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Assistant Professor of Music, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1977-80),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Associate Professor of Music, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1984-88),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Professor of Music, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (1988-2001), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Adjunct faculty and adjunct online faculty, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (2001-13).
Sister Martha has also ministered in Illinois and Washington, D.C.
Sister Winifred Mary Sullivan is a native of Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers in residential services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Winifred Mary entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from St. Ann, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in education from the University of St. Louis.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Fort Wayne: Teacher, Cathedral (1953),
• New Albany: Teacher, Holy Family (1958-60),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1966-67),
• Terre Haute: Teacher and Principal, St. Margaret Mary (1967-1969),
• Jasper: Teacher, Tenth Street School (1969-76),
• Jasper: Teacher, Jasper Middle School (1976-91),
• Jasper: Teacher, Greater Jasper Cons. School (1991-93), and
• Evansville: Tutor and tutor for Hispanic women (1994-2008).
Sister Winifred Mary has also ministered in Illinois, Maryland and Missouri.
Sister Laurine Haley is a native of Melrose, Massachusetts. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Laurine entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from Sacred Hearts, Malden, Massachusetts. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received her master’s degree in elementary school counseling from the University of New Hampshire.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Evansville: Teacher, Sacred Heart (1957-59),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Staff, health care services (1998-2002),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Staff, residential services (2002-05),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Ministry of care volunteer, Woods Day Care/Pre-School receptionist (2005-2010), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Ministry of care volunteer (2010-11).
Sister Laurine has also ministered in Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Maryland, New Hampshire and Washington, D.C.
Sister Mary Jo Stewart is a native of Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers in health care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Mary Jo, formerly Sister Joseph Maureen, entered the Congregation on Jan. 8, 1945, from St. Ann, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1952.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her LPN degree from Indiana Vocational Tech, now Ivy Tech Community College.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Whiting: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1954-57),
• Fort Wayne: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1957-67),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Patrick (1967-68),
• Richmond: Teacher, St. Mary (1968-70),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Infirmary Staff (1973-75 and 1976-78),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Infirmary LPN, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (1981-85),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Health services (1985-86), and
• Terre Haute: Volunteer, St. Ann Clinic (2002-04).
Sister Mary Jo has also ministered in Illinois, California and Mississippi.
Sister Marian Ruth Johnson is a native of Fort Wayne. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Marian Ruth entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1945, from Precious Blood, Fort Wayne. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1952.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in education from Marygrove College, Detroit, Michigan.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1951-52),
• Fort Wayne: Teacher, St. Patrick (1960-67),
• Indianapolis: Principal, St. Philip Neri (1967-70),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Patrick (1972-76),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Middle Central Catholic (1976-82),
• Indianapolis: Principal, St. Francis de Sales (1982-83),
• Indianapolis: Principal, St. Rita (1983-84),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1984-87),
• Indianapolis: Adult Education Teacher, Martin Center College (1990-93),
• Indianapolis: College Instructor, Martin University (1993-95), and
• Indianapolis: GED Teacher, Walker Career Center (1996-2003).
Sister Marian Ruth has also ministered in Illinois and California.
Sister Eugene Francis Keaveney is a native of Everett, Massachusetts. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Eugene Francis entered the Congregation on Feb. 2, 1945, from St. Rose, Chelsea, Massachusetts. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1952.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in education from Rivier University, New Hampshire.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Newburgh: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1952-54),
• Sellersburg: Teacher, St. Paul (1957-59),
• New Albany: Receptionist, Providence Retirement Home (1993-94),
• New Albany: Foster Parent/Adult Education Teacher, Providence Self Sufficiency Ministries (1994-96),
• New Albany: ABE/GED Instructor, Parkview Center, Providence Self Sufficiency Ministries (1996-2003), and
• Georgetown: ABE/GED Instructor, Providence Place (2003-05).
Sister Eugene Francis has also ministered in Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
Sister Rita Black is a native of Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Rita entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from St. Patrick, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She earned her master’s degree in education from Indiana State University, and her nurse’s aide degree from Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing, New Jersey. She also earned her LPN from Indiana Vocational Tech, now Ivy Tech Community College.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Philip Neri (1951-52),
• Bloomington: Teacher, St. Charles (1953-63),
• Terre Haute: Teacher and Principal, St. Benedict (1967-70),
• Terre Haute: Teacher, St. Margaret Mary (1970-75),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Infirmary Staff (1975-77),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: LPN Nurse, Our Lady of Lourdes Infirmary (1978-80),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: LPN/Supervisor of Convent Aides (1980-84),
• West Terre Haute: Outreach Nurse, The Connecting Link, St. Ann Clinic (1996-2007),
• West Terre Haute, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Outreach Nurse, Residential Services, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice volunteer (2007-09), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Residential Services, White Violet Center for Eco-Justice volunteer (2009-10).
Sister Rita has also ministered in Illinois, California and Alabama.
Sister Marie Paul Haas is a native of Terre Haute. Currently, she ministers as a teacher of applied music at St. Francis Borgia, Chicago.
Sister Marie Paul entered the Congregation on July 22, 1945, from St. Ann, Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 3, 1953.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music education. She earned her master’s degree in music education from Indiana State University.
Her Indiana ministry was teaching applied music at Holy Cross, Indianapolis, from 1961-63.
She has also ministered in California, North Carolina and Illinois.

75-year Jubilarians
Sister Richard Bussing is a native of Brazil. Currently, she ministers as a volunteer at Providence Health Care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Richard entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1940, from Annunciation, Brazil. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1948.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education.
Her Indiana ministry was serving as a convent aide at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, from 1977-82.
Sister Richard has also ministered in North Carolina, Illinois, California, Texas and Montana.
Sister Mary Roger Madden is a native of Decatur, Illinois. Currently, she ministers as the coordinator for the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Mary Roger entered the Congregation on Sept. 16, 1940, from St. Patrick, Decatur, Illinois. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1949.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in English. She earned her master’s degree in English from Indiana University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Hammond: Teacher, St. Joseph (1945-48),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, Holy Cross (1949),
• Peru: Teacher: St. Charles (1949-50),
• Richmond: Teacher, St. Mary (1952-54),
• Fort Wayne: Teacher, St. John the Baptist (1955-58),
• Clarksville: Teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1964-65),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: English Comp. Methods of Teaching English, English as a Second Language (1968-69),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: House of Prayer (1969-71),
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Congregation Historian, Archives (1986-96), and
• Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: Pilgrimage Coordinator, Providence Spirituality and Conference Center (1998-2007).
Sister Mary Roger has also ministered in Illinois, Washington, D.C., and California.
Sister Annette Schipp is a native of Ferdinand. Currently, she ministers in health care, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Annette entered the Congregation on Jan. 6, 1940, from St. Joseph, Jasper. She professed perpetual vows on Aug. 15, 1948.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received her master’s degree in education from Indiana University.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Evansville: Teacher, Assumption (1953-59),
• Evansville: Principal, teacher, Good Shepherd (1959-65),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Luke (1965-67),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Joan of Arc (1967-76),
• Jasper: Teacher, Precious Blood (1976-81),
• Jasper: Reading teacher, Precious Blood (1981-88),
• Jasper: Teacher, Precious Blood (1989-91), and
• New Albany: Receptionist, Providence Retirement Home (1991-93).
Sister Annette has also ministered in Illinois.

80-year Jubilarian
Sister Mary Terence Haag is a native of Montgomery. Currently, she ministers in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Mary Terence entered the Congregation on July 14, 1935, from St. Michael, Montgomery. She professed perpetual vows on Jan. 23, 1944.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education.
Her Indiana ministries include:
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Patrick (1938-39),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Catherine (1939-43),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Rita (1944-46),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Bridget (1946-54),
• Evansville: Teacher, St. John (1955-67),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Anthony (1967-70),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Bridget (1970-71),
• Indianapolis: St. Francis Day Nursery (1971-73),
• Indianapolis: Teacher, St. Ann (1979-80), and
• Indianapolis: Teacher and home visitor, St. Ann School and Parish (1980-85).
Sister Mary Terence has also ministered in Illinois.
About the Sisters of Providence
The Sisters of Providence, a congregation of 214 women religious, with 300 Providence Associates, collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. The Sisters of Providence have their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, located just northwest of downtown Terre Haute, Ind., which is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840. Today, Sisters of Providence minister in 13 states, the District of Columbia and Asia, through works of love, mercy and justice. More information about the Sisters of Providence and their ministries can be found at SistersofProvidence.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.