Providence Spirituality & Conference Center

Gather, learn, and share

In the sacred tradition of the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Providence Spirituality & Conference Center (PSCC) provides people of all faith traditions, diverse cultures and ages the invitation to gather, to learn, to meet and to share in a spirit of hope and healing. You’ll find engaging events and programs to attend, Linden Leaf Gifts —a store focused on handmade and sustainable trade merchandise, Thirty one sacred sites to visit including the Shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and The National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence, venue spaces for all your special occasions, and Spiritual Directors ready and willing to join you in your spiritual journey.

The Sisters of Providence have created the Art and Soul Creation Guild and the first event for the guild is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., on Oct. 2.

“When I come to PSCC, I know I will be doing something creative, something that makes me draw from within.”

Jane Buchanan

Art and Soul Creation Guild Member

You are invited to come join us!

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch isn’t just Easter and Mother’s day, we serve chef-inspired creations year round in the beautiful O’Shaughnessy Dining Hall.

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Take a self-guided tour or come with a group to explore the beautiful Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. There is no place like The Woods!

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Retreats & pilgrimages

Whether needing a weekend away or a weekend to become closer, the Sisters of Providence are here to help you find peace and rejuvenate your spirit.

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Historic District

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods has a rich history of art, education, architecture, and religion. Visit our Historic District and experience the wonder for yourself.

Visit Historic District site

Linden Leaf Gifts

Linden Leaf Gifts has something for everyone! With a focus on handmade and sustainable gifts, Linden Leaf prides itself in being able to offer one of a kind merchandise that promotes local artists, the Sisters of Providence, and global Fair Trade.

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Alpaca items

See alpaca and White Violet Center items at the website for Linden Leaf Gifts, the Sisters of Providence gift shop.

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“There are a variety of unique gifts that you can feel good about purchasing. Because of where they came from and because of what they support.”

Kathy Doody

Facebook Review

Photo albums

Upcoming events

Winter Used Book Sale

February 14 at 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST

Book lovers of all kinds are invited to our annual Winter Used Book Sale!

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Taizé Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Woods

Each service includes prayer, simple music, a time for silence and inspirational readings

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Racial and Ecological Justice Documentary: Farming While Black

Join us as we follow a rising generation of young black farmers who are finding strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism – and its potential to save the planet.

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Racial and Ecological Justice Documentary: Farming While Black

Join us as we follow a rising generation of young black farmers who are finding strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism – and its potential to save the planet.

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Visit the Woods

Schedule a tour or visit.


Light a Candle

Let us pray together

Spiritual Direction

Deepen your relationship with the Divine

Adopt an Alpaca

Your donation helps our mission