Did you read the feature that quoted Sister Kathleen Desautels in Rolling Stone? As a sister on the forefront of social justice issues in the church and society, Sister Kathleen sometimes shows up in unexpected places.
Read more“This ministry aims to provide support to those who are aging into the second half of life by expanding, deepening and nurturing the spiritual dimensions of their lives. My hope is we can companion persons offering spiritual and grief support during various transitions in preparation for the final transition into eternal life,” said Sister Carole Kimes of her ministry at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Carmel, Indiana.
Read moreSister Pat, a volunteer with the Chicago Police Department on the south side of the city, says this is not the first time she has taken a non-traditional path. “It’s another way to be God’s presence in the community,” says Sister Pat Mahoney of her many years working as a community volunteer with her local police station in Chicago.
Read moreWho would think that a wild teenager, kicked out of her Catholic school her sophomore year, would end up a Sister of Providence? But that is part of Sister Barbara Battista’s story. From wild child to pharmacist to Physician Assistant, Sister Barbara’s story has some unexpected turns.
Read moreProvidence in the Desert is about a lot more than teaching.
It’s about presence. It’s about caring. It’s about love and compassion.
It’s about calling a student during your down time in the middle of the day to quiz her on what she will need to know for her upcoming U.S. citizenship exam.
Sisters served at City Hospital, Indianapolis
Read more“I never expected to receive the award.”
Read moreWhen I took biology from sister she was still in the full habit, and I’ve recounted many times the vivid image I have of her rolling up her sleeves, hiking up her skirt and tucking it in to her waist (she looked like she had big pantaloons) so she could lead us up and down the creek bed to explore and take samples.
Read moreSister Jean Fuqua’s decades-long task of revisioning the area around St. Joseph’s Lake at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and calling others forward to help has resulted in restoration of the habitat and a beautiful space for the sisters to enjoy.
Read moreOur Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are passionate about serving God by caring for all God’s creation, especially those most in need. We serve in many ways, from education to social justice, parish ministry, hospital ministry, serving the economically poor, advocating for immigrants and for a healthy environment. Read how some of our sisters serve God and others through their ministries.