Your generosity abounded! We raised a total of $30,772 from 110 gifts. We had first-time gifts from 13 people, including seven brand-new friends to the Congregation.
Read moreWe are invited to encounter God right now, express gratitude for the gift given this day, and to commit to make up immediately for any mistakes we may have made. We do not look to a nebulous future time to start making the needed changes. Instead we use this precious moment, the only time we are assured of.
Read moreWe know Mother Theodore because she wrote. The storyteller in Mother Theodore shines clearly today as so many of us make use of what she left for us. We speak of Providence in our lives with the quiet confidence of children who learned at the feet of a loving parent.
Read moreThe founding sisters arrived at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods late in the evening on Oct. 22, 1840. They were expecting a convent and a school. Instead they found a dense woods with no buildings in sight. There had been a storm that lasted 36 hours the previous days. The sisters arrived in damp clothes, hungry and tired.
Read moreSister St. Theodore, her given name as a Sister of Providence, accepted with humility her assignments. Even so when they were difficult, providentially acquiring new knowledge along the way that would benefit her in God’s plans for her future.
Read moreAnother quality Mother Theodore expressed so well is kindness. She shows kindness in trying to accept not only her own difficult situation but also some personality conflicts which tried her patience.
Read moreWhen I have had difficulties in my life, Mother Theodore’s words were of enormous help.
Read moreOh, how blessed to be a member of this Providence community! The founding spirit that is expressed so poignantly in Saint Mother Theodore’s words continues to challenge and comfort my soul.
Read moreHow are WE walking in the footsteps of this saint?
Read moreTo celebrate Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and the Sisters of Providence, we’ll be hosting Saint Mother Theodore’s Legacy Lives: Giving Day 2022 on Oct. 18. The giving day is a special opportunity for friends and supporters of the Congregation, and Mother Theodore, to give a gift to honor the strong foundation that she built.
Read moreAs we approach the feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin on Oct. 3, we invite each of you to join us in praying a novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. A novena is nine days of prayer, usually for a special intention.
Read moreAn unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.