A large mural featuring the life of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin that soon will have a permanent home in the rotunda of the Vigo County Court House was unveiled Friday…
Read moreSaint Mother Theodore Guerin, foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, has a feast day. She has sainthood, receiving the highest honor bestowed by the Catholic Church. Her…
Read moreLike any human, Saint Mother Theodore had her doubts about her upcoming mission to the New World. “The Eighth American Saint” describes her feelings: “What chiefly troubled her [Saint Mother…
Read morePrior to her entrance into the Sisters of Providence of Ruillé, France, Anne-Thérèse Guerin (aka Saint Mother Theodore) did have a few suitors. “The Eighth American Saint” describes an encounter…
Read moreSister Denise Wilkinson, general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, offered the following comments during the announcement of a new president for Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Dr. Dottie…
Read moreThe Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, have prepared a response to the publication of “The Third Miracle,” by author Bill Briggs, scheduled for release Tuesday, Jan. 11. “We…
Read moreHow was Saint Mother Theodore Guerin a pioneer? Let us count the ways! She led a group of five other Sisters of Providence on a treacherous ocean voyage, through densely…
Read moreHappy Foundation Day! Happy 170th anniversary of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College! In the name of the Sisters of Providence and our Providence…
Read morePortions of a letter to Sister Gabriella of Fort Wayne, Ind. (Sister Gabriella O’Neill was Mother Theodore’s first postulant of 1841. She was born in 1804 and died in 1875.…
Read morePortions of a letter to the Most Rev. J. Bouvier (The Most Rev. J. Bouvier was the Bishop of Le Mans, France. This letter was dated April 20, 1854.) “America…
Read morePortions of a letter to the Most Rev. J. Bouvier (The Most Rev. J. Bouvier was the Bishop of Le Mans, France. This letter was dated Jan. 6, 1854.) “Our…
Read moreHappy Feast! What a wonderful community gathered to celebrate the life of Saint Mother Theodore, our foundress and our model of humanness and holiness. This is the fourth time I’ve…
Read moreAn unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.