Stories about

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quotations on mercy

By Sister Ellen Cunningham | April 13, 2016 |

“… Be assured that in leaving the past to the mercy of God and the future to (God’s) Providence, you will derive from your offering very great peace and very great consolation.”

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A community of friends: the Providence Associate relationship

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | April 5, 2016 |

The spirituality of Providence tells us that all of life is interconnected, that all is holy, all is one. There was “oneness” in that room that day. I could see it AND feel it. I know the source is Providence.
Providence Associates are women and men of faith who choose to have an intentional relationship with the Sisters of Providence. They commit to sharing their own unique gifts and talents with others while walking with the Sisters of Providence. But they also walk with each other and that is making all the difference.

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By Sister Donna Butler | March 30, 2016 |

‘bird choirs perform’

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A reflection for Easter

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | March 23, 2016 |

‘Staying positive. Pray for me.’

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The Sisters of Providence reflect on the Year of Mercy

By Jason Moon | March 18, 2016 |

‘The Year of Mercy has called us to be more mindful to the words we use to describe ourselves and our purpose.’

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International Women’s Day, March 8

By Sister Donna Butler | March 4, 2016 |

How do I keep hope alive?

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On the shores of history – The gift of a Dover sunrise!

By Sister Cathy Campbell | March 2, 2016 |

‘I truly felt I was standing on the shores of history’

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Transformed by these Woods

By Sister Lisa Stallings | January 15, 2016 |

“I don’t know what it is — there’s just something about the Woods.”
These are familiar sentiments for people who have lived or worked at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Most of us have heard these things. And most of us have said them ourselves. Sister Lisa Stallings reflects on the transforming power of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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Renewing spiritually at the Woods

By Mary Riley | January 13, 2016 |

Ruth isn’t exactly sure what made her choose Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for her week-long retreat. She only knows “God wanted me there.”

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What can these Woods offer you?

By Diane Weidenbenner | January 13, 2016 |

The Jubilee Year of Mercy began Dec. 8, 2015, the 50th anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Council. What will you do this year to grow in your faith? To strengthen both charitable works and social justice at home and as part of your faith community? Maybe a visit to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods can help you on your way.

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Christmas Prayer

By Sister Mary Montgomery | December 24, 2015 |

Cure our blindness so that we may see your beauty and your radiant light within all our sisters and brothers.

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Gaining insight on Our Lady of Providence

By Sam Seymour | December 12, 2015 |

‘But it is through many years of praying the rosary daily, reflecting anew each morning on the Mysteries appropriate for that day, that I’ve gained some insight into how Mary served, and still serves, as Our Lady of Providence. Although most of the Mysteries have served that purpose, a few have been special sources of inspiration for me.’

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An unshakeable trust in God. It set Saint Mother Theodore Guerin apart and makes her a model for us in our daily living. Get to know our brave and inspiring foundress better through these stories.

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