Christmas Prayer

Photo credit: Leland Francisco
O Come, O Come, long-awaited Savior
and ever-present Emmanuel!
We rejoice in your living among us and within us.
At the same time we ask that you …
Cure our blindness so that we may see your beauty
and your radiant light within all our sisters and brothers.
Dispel the darkness of selfishness, discrimination
hatred and violence so that we may live in your light.
Cloth us in your kindness, mercy, gentleness and hope
so that we may be witnesses of your life.
Plant your seeds of justice, peace, courage, and love
deep within our hearts so that the fruits of these seeds
may be visible and active in our world day by day.
Heal and open our broken hearts and strengthen our will
so that we may shine with your radiant light and love in our world.
What a wonderful prayer for our time, for any time! I want to live in it. Thanks, Mary!