We are invited to encounter God right now, express gratitude for the gift given this day, and to commit to make up immediately for any mistakes we may have made. We do not look to a nebulous future time to start making the needed changes. Instead we use this precious moment, the only time we are assured of.
Read moreWe find comfort in the story of Jesus’s birth — that the Son of God was born, not in luxury, but in a lowly stable, to bring light to the world. But what do we, in this present time, do with this light in the midst of darkness?
Read moreBreathe in Gratitude. Breathe out thank you.
Read moreWe are so excited to have these Providence Associate candidate seekers on the journey with us! But what is it that brought them here? At the orientation we asked them.
Read moreOn Saturday, Nov. 12, we welcomed Providence Associate candidates for an orientation at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Over the coming year, the 29 candidates will journey with a Sister of Providence or Providence Associate companion as they reflect on Providence spirituality and the mission of love, mercy and justice.
Read moreRecently, I read that Catholic gays seek out communities where they can be safe and secure. That is one main reason why I like being a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence. Being a Providence Associate has enabled me to grow spiritually and feel more at home as a Catholic gay person.
Read moreWe know Mother Theodore because she wrote. The storyteller in Mother Theodore shines clearly today as so many of us make use of what she left for us. We speak of Providence in our lives with the quiet confidence of children who learned at the feet of a loving parent.
Read moreThe founding sisters arrived at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods late in the evening on Oct. 22, 1840. They were expecting a convent and a school. Instead they found a dense woods with no buildings in sight. There had been a storm that lasted 36 hours the previous days. The sisters arrived in damp clothes, hungry and tired.
Read moreSister St. Theodore, her given name as a Sister of Providence, accepted with humility her assignments. Even so when they were difficult, providentially acquiring new knowledge along the way that would benefit her in God’s plans for her future.
Read moreWe offer a joyful, heartfelt welcome to our 21 new Providence Associates who made their first commitments as Providence Associates of the Sisters of Providence on Saturday, Oct. 8. 2022 at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. We are so blessed to have these companions living out the mission of love, mercy and justice with us.
Read more‘Go forth, Providence Associates, into the world to form community and to minister.’
Read moreDon’t believe anyone who tells you there is no prayer in public school! This teacher is praying all the time!
Read moreGet a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?