More ways to give
You are investing in the future of the Sisters of Providence, our mission, and our ministries with your charitable giving through options like these.

Give Every Month – Become a Providence GEM (Gives Every Month) and make a difference throughout the year by donating monthly.
Your consistent, monthly gift will provide steady support of our sisters, our mission and ministries! As a donor, you are a GEM whose support helps us be love, mercy and justice among God’s people. Learn more about how to become a GEM member today.

Gifts of Stock and Securities – Please consider a gift of stocks, mutual funds or marketable securities in support of the mission and ministries of Sisters of Providence.
We encourage you to discuss your stock gift transaction with your financial professional. The easiest way to make a gift of stock is through electronic transfer. It’s also the most secure and expedient way of ensuring your gift is delivered to the Sisters of Providence. Please find the delivery instruction here.

Foley Legacy Fund gift – This newly established fund continues to financially support ministries that provide direct service to the economically poor and underserved. Funds may be used to provide financial support for personnel, programs, buildings and grounds needed by the ministry.
Naming the legacy fund in honor of Mother Mary Cleophas Foley who led the Sisters of Providence during a time of great growth was no coincidence. She was superior general for 36 years (1890-1926). Nearly every major building on campus can be traced to her leadership: the Church of the Immaculate Conception; the façade and fourth floor added to the Academy (later Foley Hall); the present O’Shaughnessy Dining Hall; Providence Convent and the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, to name a few. She also initiated a strong program for educating the sisters, sent the first group of our sisters to establish a mission in China and initiated the Cause of Canonization for Mother Theodore. And why was she able to do all this? Because of the support of generous and faithful benefactors!

Planned gift – We invite your partnership with the Sisters of Providence in transforming our mission of promoting love, mercy and justice throughout the world.
Whether you have already included a gift through your will, IRA, Charitable Gift Annuity or Charitable Remainder Trust for the benefit of the Sisters of Providence, or are just now creating your estate plan, contact the Sisters of Providence gift planning professionals to take the first step and start a conversation. We will work with you and your financial advisors in designing a plan that gives your investment the greatest impact.

Corporate gift – Your support for the family-friendly events such as Earth Day festival, Fall Farm Day and Christmas Fun at the Woods enables hundreds of family in the Wabash Valley community to enjoy wholesome activities, entertainment and fun.
You can choose the level of the gift and you will be recognized at all of those events. Would you like to be a partner as well? Please contact us using the form below.

Adopt an alpaca – Looking for that unique gift for that hard-to-buy loved one? Why not adopt-an-alpaca for a year and receive a certificate, photo and information of your newly adopted alpaca!
A one-year, $100 adoption helps support the cost of medical care and housing of our alpaca herd. You can even visit your alpaca if you’re in the neighborhood. Alpaca adoptions make great gifts for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, birthdays and Christmas! Visit here to Adopt an alpaca today!
Your adoption donation also helps provide fiber used to create unique items for sale in Linden Leaf Gifts and White Violet Farm Store that generates extra revenue for the Sisters of Providence, gentle fertilizer used in our organic gardens, educational opportunities for interns, and enhances our overall mission to care for all of life’s creations!
Shop & give – Did you know that you can give to the Sisters of Providence by doing your everyday shopping at Kroger? There is no extra cost to you!
Kroger Community Rewards — Swipe your Kroger Plus Card (or enter your alternate ID) to donate! Once you have the Sisters of Providence linked to your new or existing account, there is nothing more to do. Visit Kroger Community Rewards to link your Plus Card or set up an account. Our nonprofit code is 10187.
Matching gifts – Does your company match your gift to the Sisters of Providence? Check your company’s matching gift guidelines and contact us if you would like more information on making a matching gift.
Here’s what you need to know about matching gifts:
• Check your company’s matching gift guidelines carefully. Just because a company matched a gift to the Sisters of Providence in the past doesn’t mean they will do so again. Often companies change their giving guidelines.
• The Sisters of Providence are a 501(c)(3) corporation. Verification of our tax exempt status is available.
• Gifts to the Sisters of Providence are tax exempt.
• The Sisters of Providence are NOT considered an educational institution.
• If the company’s guidelines indicate they do not match gifts to religious organizations, the Sisters of Providence probably do not qualify for a matching gift from this company.
For any questions or more information on how to give to the Sisters of Providence, call Mission Advancement at 812-535-2800 or email
The Sisters of Providence remember all benefactors, constituents, alumnae/i and companions in daily prayer.