Sister Margaret Lynch
Formerly Sister James Patrick
Sister Margaret was born on January 3, 1943 and died on November 3, 2022.

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Sister Margaret, formerly Sister James Patrick was a native of Chicago. Her final ministry was in prayer at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Margaret entered the Congregation in 1961, professing first vows in 1964 and final vows in 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She also earned her master’s degree in religious education from Loyola University and has a master’s of professional studies in pastoral studies from Loyola.
Of her ministries, Sister Margaret taught math, religion, biology and health at St. Agnes Academy in Indianapolis from 1967-70. She also ministered as a teacher at Indiana Scecina High School from 1983-84 and ministered as the Director of Religious Education at St. Joan of Arc Religious Education Center in Kokomo, Ind., from 1987-92.
From 1998-2005, she also ministered as the parish life coordinator at St. Leonard Parish in West Terre Haute, Ind., and at Saint Mary Parish at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village.
Sister Margaret Lynch (formerly Sister James Patrick)
Complete Ministry
In Illinois: Teacher, St. Alexander, Palos Heights (1966-67); Theology Department, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove (1976-77); Director of Religious Education, Notre Dame Parish, Clarendon Hills (1977-80).
In Indiana: Teacher, St. Agnes Academy, Indianapolis (1967-70); Teacher, Ladywood-St. Agnes, Indianapolis (1970-73); High School Religious Coordinator, Archdiocese of Indianapolis (1970-73); Teacher/Dean of Girls, Terre Haute Schulte High School, Terre Haute (1973-76); Pastoral Associate/Director of Religious Education, Sacred Heart Parish, Terre Haute (1980-82); CPE Training, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis (1982-83); Teacher, Indianapolis Scecina High School, Indianapolis (1983-84); Director of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Evansville, Evansville (1986-87); Director of Religious Education, St. Joan of Arc Religious Education Center, Kokomo (1987-92); Pastoral Associate for Adult Formation, St. Paul Parish, Marion (1993-94); Adult Education Teacher/Staff, Providence Self Sufficiency Ministries/Beechwood Center, New Albany (1994-97); Adult Education Teacher/Staff, Providence Self Sufficiency Ministries/Parkview Center, New Albany (1997-98); Parish Life Coordinator, St. Leonard (West Terre Haute), St. Mary Parish, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village (1998-2005); Ministry of Care Volunteer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2007-2012); Prayer, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2012-2022).
In Kentucky: Youth Retreat Consultant, Archdiocese of Louisville, Louisville (1984-86).
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