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13 Sisters of Providence celebrate 50th anniversary
Thirteen Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods recently celebrated their 50th anniversary. They are Sisters Susan Dinnin, Mary Catherine Guiler, Betty Hopf, Lawrence Ann Liston, Margaret Lynch, Diane Mason, Laura Ann McLaughlin, Mary Morley, Margaret Nau, Camille Neubauer, Regina Norris, Maria Saracco and Mary Jeanine Schubert.
They are:
Sister Susan Dinnin is a native of Indianapolis. She currently ministers as program director at A Caring Place Adult Day Care in Indianapolis.
Sister Susan, the former Sister Mary de Sales, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Indiana ministries:
West Terre Haute: teacher, St. Leonard School (1965-1966).
Jasper: teacher, St. Joseph School (1966-1971).
Indianapolis: teacher, St. Simon School (1971-1975); St. Thomas Aquinas School (1978-1980); coordinator, Adult Day Care East (1988-1990); site manager, A Caring Place Adult Day Care (1990-2009).
Sellersburg: principal and teacher, St. Paul School (1975-1978).
Ministries elsewhere:
Detroit: parish minister, St. Agnes Parish (1980-1988).
Sister Mary Catherine Guiler is a native of Washington, D.C. She currently ministers as a teacher at the Academy of the Holy Cross in Washington, D.C.
Sister Mary Catherine, the former Sister Martha Patrick, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. She received a master’s degree in English from Indiana State University. She also received a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Washington Theological Union.
Indiana ministries:
Evansville: teacher, Reitz Memorial High School (1968-1973).
Ministries elsewhere:
Lansdowne, Md.: teacher, St. Clement School (1966-1968).
Washington, D.C.: teacher, Immaculata Prep (1973-1980); coordinator of long-term volunteers, So Others Might Eat (1992-1995).
Fall River, Mass.: director of apostolic works and provincial councilor, St. Raphael Province (1980-1984); provincial, St. Raphael Province (1984-1988).
Boston: provincial, closing out office, St. Raphael Province (1988-1992).
Sister Betty Hopf is a native of Jasper. She currently ministers as chaplain at Hux Cancer Center in Terre Haute.
Sister Betty, the former Sister Barbara Francis, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from Holy Family Parish in Jasper. She professed perpetual vows May 24, 1970.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University and a master’s degree in pastoral theology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.
Indiana ministries:
Terre Haute: teacher, St. Patrick School (1966-1967).
Fort Wayne: teacher, St. John the Baptist School (1967-1971).
Indianapolis: teacher (1971-1978) and co-principal (1975-1978), Holy Angels School; pastoral associate, St. Andrew Parish (1979-1985).
South Bend: clinical pastoral education intern, Memorial Hospital (1985-1986); chaplain, St. Joseph Medical Center (1986-2001).
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: coordinator, Wellness Services (2001-2002); coordinator (2002-2003) and administrator, Ministry of Care (2004-2008).
Ministries elsewhere:
Sister Lawrence Ann Liston is a native of Terre Haute. She currently ministers as administrator of St. Ann Clinic in Terre Haute.
Sister Lawrence Ann entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Ann Parish in Terre Haute. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University.
Indiana ministries:
Sellersburg: teacher and principal, St. Paul School (1969-1975).
Indianapolis: teacher, All Saints School (1975-1976); principal, St. Philip Neri School (1976-1983); director of schools (1984-1993), director of educational administration (1993-1994), and associate executive director of Catholic education 1994-1995), Archdiocese of Indianapolis; administrator in training (1998), administrative assistant (1998), health care administrator (1999-2005), Robin Run Health Center; health care administrator, Hoosier Village (2005-1007).
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: interim general secretary (1996-1997); assistant coordinator of pastoral ministry (1997).
Ministries elsewhere:
Chicago: teacher, St. Angela School (1966-1967).
Sister Margaret Lynch is a native of Chicago. She currently ministers as a volunteer on the Ministry of Care staff at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Margaret, the former Sister James Patrick, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Mark Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 16, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. She received a master’s degree in religious education and a master’s degree in pastoral studies, both from Loyola University.
Indiana ministries:
Indianapolis: teacher, St. Agnes Academy (1967-1970); teacher, Ladywood-St. Agnes (1970-1973); religious coordinator, Archdiocese of Indianapolis (1970-1973).
Terre Haute: dean of girls, Schulte High School (1973-1976); pastoral associate, director of religious education, Sacred Heart Parish (1980-1982).
Evansville: director of youth ministry, Diocese of Evansville (1986-1987).
Kokomo: director of religious education, St. Joan of Arc Religious Education Center (1987-1992).
Marion: pastoral associate for adult formation, St. Paul Parish (1993-1994).
New Albany: adult education teacher and staff member, Providence Self-Sufficiency Ministries (1994-1998).
West Terre Haute: parish life coordinator, St. Leonard Parish and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village Parish (1998-2005).
Ministries elsewhere:
Palos Heights, Ill.: teacher, St. Alexander School (1966-1967).
River Grove, Ill.: teacher, Guerin College Preparatory School (1976-1977).
Clarendon Hills, Ill.: director of religious education, Notre Dame Parish (1977-1980).
Louisville, Ky.: youth retreat consultant (1984-1986).
Sister Diane Mason is a native of Joliet, Ill. She currently services as director of Providence Associates, and is based in Orland Park, Ill.
Sister Diane, the former Sister Ann Vianney, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Dennis Parish in Lockport, Ill. She professed perpetual vows April 17, 1971.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in education from Indiana State University and a master’s degree in education supervision and administration from Indiana State University.
Indiana ministries:
Ministries elsewhere:
Galesburg, Ill.: teacher, Immaculate Heart School (1966-1968).
Chicago: teacher, St. Thaddeus School (1968-1969); St. Leo School (1969-1970); St. Francis Borgia School (1970-1973).
Palos Heights, Ill.: teacher (1973-1978), assistant principal (1978) and principal (1978-2003), St. Alexander School.
Oak Lawn, Ill.: chaplain intern, Advocate for Christ Medical Center (2006).
Elmhurst, Ill.: resident chaplain, Elmhurst Memorial Hospital (2006-2007).
Orland Park, Ill.: assistant director, Providence Associates (2008-2011).
Sister Laura Ann McLaughlin is a native of Medford, Mass. She currently ministers as a counselor at Emmaus House in Ocean Grove, New Jersey.
Sister Laura Ann entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Polycarp Parish in Somerville, Mass. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in education from the University of Illinois. She received a master’s degree in clinical pastoral counseling from Emmanuel College.
Indiana ministries:
Indianapolis: counselor (1985-1986) and dean of students (1988-1993), Cathedral School.
Ministries elsewhere:
Washington, D.C.: teacher, St. Ann School (1966-1968).
Burlington, N.C.: teacher, Blessed Sacrament School (1968-1970).
Arequipa, Peru: teacher, Colegia San Jose (1971-1975).
Portsmouth, N.H.: teacher, Lady Isle School (1975-1976).
Chicago: teacher, Maternity BVM School (1976-1983).
Ocen Grove, N.J.: administrative assistant and counselor in training, Emmaus House (1988-1993).
Sister Mary Morley is a native of Indianapolis. She currently ministers as a teacher in the literacy program for Cincinnati Public School in Ohio.
Sister Mary, the former Sister David Mary, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Andrew Apostle Parish in Indianapolis. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in guidance counseling from Indiana University.
Indiana ministries:
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village: teacher, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Village School (1964-1966).
Lafayette: teacher, St. Mary School (1966-1967).
Loogootee: teacher, St. John School (1967-1969).
Linton: teacher, St. Peter School (1969-1972).
Indianapolis: teacher, St. Luke School (1972-1975).
Ministries elsewhere:
Cincinnati: youth minister and director of girls camp, Fort Scott Camps (1975-1978); supervisor and teacher, Joy Resident Education Center (1978-1979); teacher, Gressle School (1980-1983); teacher, St. Vincent Ferrer School (1983-1996).
Sister Margaret Nau is a native of Hammond, Ind. She currently ministers as chaplain for Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, Ill.
Sister Margaret, the former Sister Jude Ann, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Joseph Parish in Hammond. She professed perpetual vows Nov. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in journalism. She received a master’s degree in communication arts from the University of Notre Dame, and a bachelor’s degree in pastoral studies from Loyola University.
Indiana ministries:
Terre Haute: teacher, Sacred Heart School (1966-1967); Schulte High School (1967-1969).
Clarksville: teacher, Our Lady of Providence High School (1969-1978).
Ministries elsewhere:
Fort Yates, N.D.: pastoral minister, Catholic Indian Mission (1878-1986).
Edmonton, Ky.: pastoral associate, Christ the Healer Parish (1987).
Owensboro, Ky.: pastoral associate, Precious Blood Parish (1988-1992).
Rochester, Minn.: clinical pastoral education residency, St. Mary Hospital (1992-1994).
Paducah, Ky.: chaplain, Lourdes Hospital (1994-2001).
Sister Camille Neubauer is a native of Washington, D.C. She currently ministers in Residential Services at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
Sister Camille, the former Sister Jude, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Ann Parish in Washington, D.C. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in music education. She received a master’s degree in organ music from Washington University-St. Louis.
Indiana ministries:
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods: coordinator of liturgy and music (2002-2004) and coordinator of liturgical music (2004-2009).
Ministries elsewhere:
St. Louis: teacher, Annunziata School (1966-1968); teacher, Our Lady of Providence School (1968-1969).
College Park, Md.: teacher, Holy Redeemer School (1969-1972 and 1973-1975).
River Grove, Ill.: teacher, Guerin College Preparatory School (1975-1980).
Silver Spring, Md.: music director (1980-1981) and director of music and liturgy (1981-1983), St. Bernadette Parish; choir director and organist, St. Camillus Parish (1993); director of music ministries, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (1993-2001).
Rockville, Md.: director of music, St. Francis Assisi Parish (1983-1985); provincial councilor (1984-1985).
Falls Church, Va.: provincial councilor and director of music (1985-1988) and director of music ministries (1988-1991), St. Anthony Parish.
Sister Regina Norris is a native of Bicknell. She currently ministers as a substitute teacher and resource teacher at St. Jude School in Indianapolis.
Sister Regina, the former Sister Regina Clare, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Joseph Parish in Bramble. She professed perpetual vows Aug. 15, 1969.
She graduated from Indiana University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She received a master’s degree in elementary education from Indiana University.
Indiana ministries:
West Terre Haute: teacher, St. Leonard School (1964-1965).
Brazil: teacher, Annunciation School (1965-1967).
Bloomington: teacher, St. Charles Borromeo School (1967-1978).
Indianapolis: teacher, St. Jude School (1978-1999).
Ministries elsewhere:
Sister Maria Saracco is a native of Chicago. She currently ministers as a substitute teacher in Chicago.
Sister Maria, the former Sister Maria Immaculata, entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Mel Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows May 10, 1970.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in reading from Northern Illinois University.
Indiana ministries:
Ministries elsewhere:
Chicago: teacher, St. Sylvester School (1966-1968); St. David School (1968-1970 and 1978-1980); Maternity BVM School (1971-1975); Chicago City College (1980-1981); St. Benedict School (1981-1984); Wildwood School (1988-1989); Haugen Elementary School (1990-2009).
Joliet: teacher, St. Mary Carmelite School (1970-1971).
Galesburg: teacher, Costa Catholic High School (1975-1978).
Niles: teacher, St. Isaac Jogues School (1984-1988).
Sister Mary Jeanine Schubert is a native of Chicago. She currently ministers as a volunteer at the Chicago Food Department.
Sister Mary Jeanine entered the Congregation Sept. 18, 1961, from St. Mel Parish in Chicago. She professed perpetual vows May 23, 1970.
She graduated from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College with a bachelor’s degree in education. She received a master’s degree in early childhood education from the University of Illinois.
Indiana ministries:
Indianapolis: teacher, St. Andrew School (1966-1967).
Ministries elsewhere:
Chicago: teacher, St. Agnes School (1967-1971); St. Francis Borgia School (1971-1978); Maternity BVM School (1978-1982); survey operations assistant (1983-2000), independent contractor (2001-2005), employee contractor (2007), American Medical Association.
About the Sisters of Providence
The Sisters of Providence, a congregation of 214 women religious, with 300 Providence Associates, collaborate with others to create a more just and hope-filled world through prayer, education, service and advocacy. The Sisters of Providence have their motherhouse at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, located just northwest of downtown Terre Haute, Ind., which is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in 1840. Today, Sisters of Providence minister in 13 states, the District of Columbia and Asia, through works of love, mercy and justice. More information about the Sisters of Providence and their ministries can be found at SistersofProvidence.org.
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For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.