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PFS volunteer brings love for justice, education to her work

Published on September 6, 2011

…which she worked for twelve years dealing with issues from poverty and the nuclear arms race, to equal rights for women and apartheid in Africa to US support of wars in Central America. When asked about the time she was arrested for peaceful protesting, she responds, “Which time? I’ve been arrested lots of times.” Sister Dorothy is a woman willing to put her own comfort and security on the line to bring goodness, equality and fairness to others. She’s still…



Three Sisters of Providence arrested in Georgia for participation in non-violent protest at Army base

Published on November 18, 2002

…and was sentenced to six months in prison on federal trespassing charges. The three sisters who were arrested Sunday were led away from the military base in hand cuffs and later shackled and forced to spend the night in the Muscogee County Jail. They were arraigned Monday in U.S. Federal Court in Columbus. They appeared before U.S. Magistrate G. Mallon Faircloth, who is the same judge who sentenced Sister Kathleen to prison. Sisters Adele, Rita Clare and Joann pleaded not…



Three Sisters of Providence receive sentences for trespassing during SOA protest

Published on January 28, 2003

…government’s foreign relations programs,” said Sister Ann Margaret O’Hara, general superior of the Sisters of Providence. Sister of Providence Kathleen Desautels is serving a six-month sentence in a federal prison for a similar action in 2001. She will be released March 7. The trial started Monday in Columbus, Ga., with U.S. Magistrate G. Mallon Faircloth presiding. A total of 96 people were arrested during the November protest, 85 of whom were adults. Those facing trial were divided into groups of…



Human Trafficking: Words from Sister Denise

Published on December 10, 2011

…She wrote: “Every day in the streets at appointed places, negroes and negresses in holiday attire are exposed for this shameful traffic, like the meanest animal at our fairs. This spectacle oppressed my heart. Lo! I said to myself, these Americans, so proud of their liberty, thus make game of the liberty of others. … I would have wished to buy them all that I might say to them, “Go! Bless Providence! You are free.” In this moment, we have…



Sister Denise Wilkinson

Published on June 20, 2007

…find different ways to do it. I say, hey, give it a try. Come see us anyway.” Favorites food: brie cheese plant: zinnias, cosmos, marigolds really any to cut and bring inside book: anything written by P. D. James movie: African Queen tv show: I’m famous for not watching TV vacation spot: near water: stream, lake or ocean recreation: gardening, movies animal: Giraffe; all that neck and no voice sport: I’m a very fair weather fan; only care at playoff…



Sister Alice Louise Potts

Published on March 8, 2012

…create four provinces as a better way to govern the Congregation, which had grown in numbers. And Sister Alice Louise was named first counselor at St. Joseph Province in Chicago, where in 1971 she became co-provincial,” said Sister Jeanne. “But that assignment was fairly short-lived, and in 1975 she began her study at St. Joseph Hospital in Houston, since for a long time she had wanted to study Clinical Pastoral Education and become a hospital chaplain. This study eventually led…



Sister Ellen Marie Stafford

Published on November 3, 2009

…1934] she and two of her classmates entered Providence Novitiate at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Ever since their eventful train trip from Galesburg those two classmates have been her lifelong friends: Sisters Theresa Rose Butts and Anne Marita Wynne. They still recall coming to the Woods by way of Chicago and its Century of Progress World’s Fair. And they laugh about their initiation into the mysteries of convent life when they arrived in time for supper — with breakfast cereal!” said Sister…



Sister Mary Julia Cummings

Published on October 28, 2009

…in this way: ‘I feel I show love and care as a regular, ordinary person.’ Her friends with whom I spoke said the same thing. One described a difficult situation she, the person telling the story, was having. But Sister Mary Julia, just by being herself, fair and nonjudgmental, helped the sister in difficulty. Another friend described her as ‘quiet and unassuming,’” said Sister Margaret. “Sister Mary Pat described Sister Mary Julia in this way: ‘She was the perfect big…



Religious Life Through the Generations

Published on January 5, 2009

…in Religious Life Through the Generations? Below are some of the general characteristics. Credit for this content is attributed to James V. Gambone, Ph.D., “Generations on the J-O-B,” in the Oct. 8, 2007, issue of The Indianapolis Star, the 2005 winter/spring issue of FDUMagazineOnline (Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey) and material provided by the Sisters of Providence Vocation Office. Civic or G.I. Generation (1901-1931): respect for authority; conformers; sacrifice; adherence to rules; work before fun; savers of money Adaptive or…



Martha Brennan: Trusting in Providence

Published on May 26, 2011

…sense of how to treat others fairly and justly in this world and share the gifts and talents that were given to me from a divine source,” said Martha. “The sisters provided me, and still provide today, a model of how to ‘be’ in this world through their acts of love, mercy and justice,” said Martha, who generously supports the Congregation and has remembered the sisters in her will. “It’s one of the ways that I can possibly give back…



Rosemary “Dee” Coyne: The Pivotal Role of Providence

Published on September 26, 2010

…Mike married and in January the couple moved to Alexandria, Va., where Mike worked for the federal government and attended evening classes at Georgetown Law School. Upon graduating in 1964, Mike served as a Marine Corps officer. Four years later, he practiced law in Washington, D.C., and Virginia while remaining in the Marine Corps Reserve. Dee kept busy in her own right, working 27 years as a primary teacher in Fairfax County, Va. She still keeps in contact with many…



Living a fruitful vowed life

Published on September 26, 2007

…gospel values to be made an integral part of our lives. Someone has said the vow of poverty might better be named the vow for justice-making because at its heart is the value of helping others who are deprived of receiving their fair share of God’s bounty. The Constitutions of the Sisters of Providence continue to call us to witness to the gospel value of sharing with others, contributing what we earn to a common fund and receiving from that…


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