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Hoosier Green Light Award

Published on September 30, 2016

…Award recipient by Sustainable Indiana 2016, an Earth Charter Indiana initiative. Also during the ceremony, White Violet Center was inducted into the Bicentennial Green Legacy Hall of Fame. John Gibson, Sustainable Indiana 2016 state coordinator, speaks during the Green Lights ceremony. Sister Dawn and Lorrie accepted the award presented by John Gibson, Sustainable Indiana 2016 state coordinator. See the entire list of recipients (White Violet Center is in Region 7) at Congratulations to the Sisters of Providence, White Violet…



Thoughts on Hydraulic Fracking

Published on October 17, 2016

…of our time. It’s an issue that touches on every aspect of our lives – the water we drink, the air we breathe, the health of our communities – and it is also impacting the global climate on which we all depend. It pits the largest corporate interests – big oil and gas companies and the political leaders who support them – against people and the environment in a long-term struggle for survival. It is an issue that has captivated…



God’s call is finding a place where we can thrive and be our fullest selves

Published on October 30, 2016 “When we talk about vocation, when we talk about a call, it’s not that God is asking us to fit into some box that doesn’t suit us.” Novice Sister Tracey Horan shares what she has learned about God’s call and vocation in the video clip below….



Being a Sister of Providence means …

Published on January 27, 2017 What do you know about the Sisters of Providence today? Ever wish you had a way to tell your friends and family about the SPs? In this Congregation video, you’ll get a glimpse into how we strive to honor Divine Providence and further God’s loving plans by devoting ourselves to works of love, mercy and justice in service among God’s people. Enjoy the video, then share it with your friends. And share with us your thoughts. We’d love to hear…



Father’s Day and the Beatitudes

Published on June 15, 2017

…Greg Popcak of Catholic Counselors, at He was talking about his book “The BE-DAD-ITUDES: 8 ways to be an awesome Dad”. Focus on God Dr. Popcak instructs us that the focus in the household should not be on any one individual, but the focus should be on God. Advice for father’s pulled from the Beatitudes: be humble as Jesus was humble. Practice meekness by connecting with your family by asking questions and actively listening to the responses. Practice mercy…



Intersectionality – what is it?

Published on January 19, 2018

Kimberlé Crenshaw, a black woman, coined the term “intersectionality” in the 1980s. A legal scholar, she asserted that “… anti-discrimination law, feminist theory, and anti-racist politics all fail to address the experiences of black women because of how they each focus on only a single factor.” Crenshaw wrote “…the intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism, (therefore) any analysis that does not take intersectionality into account cannot sufficiently address the particular manner in which Black women…



Alpacas at the library, food justice and bread

Published on March 16, 2018

…branch at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 19. Candace Minster is looking forward to participating as a panelist. Climate change education Also on Monday, March 19, Lorrie Heber will give a climate change presentation to the Wabash Valley Community Foundation Youth Council. Food Summit postponed *Updated March 19: The Purdue Extension Vigo County Vigo County Food Summit that was to be from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, at the Girl Scout Center (Fairbanks Park), Terre Haute,…



Sisters of Providence Leadership Team calls for an end to gun violence

Published on August 9, 2019

…violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love …” The healing power of love will always triumph over hate. Words matter. Actions matter. As a nation, we must come together during these times of trouble. We must stand together and say enough is enough. Our Congregation is committed to move forward. Let’s stand together and call for an end to this senseless gun violence. Contribute to the movement by calling…



Our Changing Woods

Published on August 23, 2019

The following is a video blog featuring Sister Rosemary Nudd and Indiana State University Professor Dr. Jim Speer regarding the forests here at the Woods. Come take a walk in the Woods of Indiana with Sister Rosemary and Dr. Speer as they discuss how climate change is impacting and will impact our forests and our sacred responsibility. The video was produced by Jeanne Rewa. Join us by visiting our Providence Climate Agreement page! Or learn more about how climate…



Saint Mary-of-the-Woods spiritual pilgrimage video

Published on February 2, 2018 Take a virtual, prayerful historical pilgrimage around beautiful Saint Mary-of-the-Woods….



Call to Action: Attend Town Hall Meetings and Other Meet-the-Candidate Events!

Published on January 9, 2020

As we move closer to the November election cycle, candidates ordinarily hold a Town Hall Meeting or an opportunity to meet voters. These are excellent opportunities to ask candidates about their commitment to environmentally sound decision-making and impress upon them the importance of this matter to the Providence Community. To prepare for such opportunities, the Political Engagement Team of the Climate Change Task Force would like to share the following suggestions gleaned from the Interfaith Power and Light website: To…


Gospel reflection

Sunday, December 6, 2020: Second Sunday of Advent

Published on December 3, 2020

Gospel: Mark 1:1-8 The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God. As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way. A voice of one crying out in the desert “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” John the Baptist appeared in the desert proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People of the whole Judean countryside and…


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