Alpacas at the library, food justice and bread
The following are some ways White Violet Center for Eco-Justice staff members and Sisters of Providence are teaching, caring and inspiring for all creation in the upcoming weeks. Please join them, if you can!
Food Justice in the Wabash Valley

NAACP will host Food Justice Wabash Valley on Monday, March 19, at the Vigo County Public Library in Terre Haute.
The NAACP will host a Food Justice in the Wabash Valley panel discussion at the Vigo County Public Library main branch at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 19. Candace Minster is looking forward to participating as a panelist.
Climate change education
Also on Monday, March 19, Lorrie Heber will give a climate change presentation to the Wabash Valley Community Foundation Youth Council.
Food Summit postponed
*Updated March 19:
The Purdue Extension Vigo County Vigo County Food Summit that was to be from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, at the Girl Scout Center (Fairbanks Park), Terre Haute, HAS BEEN POSTPONED. Please stay tuned to their website for updates.
Bread workshop
The workshop in February was so popular that Candace decided to do another Bread Baking: Sourdough workshop from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 24. Pre-register by March 21.
Alpacas and fiber

The Sisters of Providence alpacas will visit the library in West Terre Haute on March 29.
A few of the Sisters of Providence alpacas will be at the West Vigo Library from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 29. This spring break event (register here) lasts until 4 p.m. and includes balloon twisting; making rice balls and Mysteries of Jason magic show. If the alpacas are doing magic tricks for visitors at the 20th annual Earth Day Festival and Craft Fair on Saturday, April 28, you’ll know why!
Animal therapy with dogs and horses are common, but did you know it happens with alpacas, too? It’s a special treat when the alpacas visit the residents of Providence Health Care at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, and that will happen at 2 p.m. on Thursday, April 5. Many smiles are expected!
Speaking of smiles, The Fiber Event at Greencastle makes Candace Minster smile. It will be 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 13, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 14, at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. They’re celebrating 26 years of fiber this year! Candace and White Violet Center interns will be there.
Shearing day is April 16. All 40 alpacas will get their annual haircut and the fiber room will be overflowing with all their luxurious fleece. This is one of those busy days when everyone appreciates White Violet Center’s awesome volunteers and interns.
March for Science
April 14 is the March for Science. The Terre Haute march begins at Indiana State University Dede Plaza — look for more details on Facebook soon. If you’re not in this area and want to find a march in your neck of the woods, go to this global link: