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Sister Charles Ellen Turk

Published on December 26, 2019

…came and saw where he was living, and ended up staying with him the day. … Andrew, Simon’s brother, was one of the two who heard John’s witness and followed Jesus. The first thing he did after finding where Jesus lived was find his own brother Simon … He immediately led him to Jesus.” Sister Charles Ellen Turk Like Andrew, Mary Cleophas Turk accepted Jesus’ invitation to come and see for herself where Jesus lived. Like Andrew, Sister Charles Ellen…



Alpaca Shearing 2020

Published on June 24, 2020

…off in the kiddie pool although it usually has water in it. Time to get a new hairdo! Ann Testa preps Jean for her very first shearing. Slipping the harness on each alpaca so they can be guided to the shearing area. Stardust patiently waits his turn with Tracy Wilson from Aris Farms Shearing takes place on the ground. Alpacas are tied down so the animals and humans are both safe. Interns Alexis Klug and Libby Robinette work alongside the



Sister Jeanette Marie Lucinio

Published on October 30, 2006

…what I wanted to do,” Sister Jeanette continued. Competing opportunities and questions continued to challenge Sister Jeanette. “My years in the novitiate were very difficult. I continued to struggle with questions about vocation and what God wanted me to do,” she said. “I can remember the day when all the questions went away. We came in from a walk on a Sunday afternoon. I realized that all of the worry was gone. It just lifted.” Sister Jeanette spent 21 years…



Young sisters today: Vatican II through education

Published on January 7, 2013

the legacy of Vatican II. “Vatican II empowers me to challenge boundaries,” she said. “The questions asked about ‘are we living our Gospel call’ are no less relevant today. Vatican II set a precedent of honest and open dialogue about how we are measuring up to those questions. So it seems to me that this moment in history empowers us all to keep asking those questions as our community of faith and church evolves.” (Originally published in the winter 2013…



Women’s History Month: Thank goodness she said no!

Published on March 1, 2011

…Judith, who had freed her people, and Esther who had delivered hers by her bravery and wit. There was Catherine of Siena, unafraid of the brilliant men who opposed her; Clare holding up the monstrance before the Saracens at Assisi; the great Teresa, tramping through Spain on her errands for God; Margaret Mary who worked for God in her quiet cloister. “Anne-Thérèse would never be among those great names; that she knew, but she felt in her heart that there…



Sister Cathy: fun to be a part of something new

Published on March 10, 2009

…she’s coming to San Bernardino. We’ve talked about meeting half way in between. 5.) How long does it take to get to Aliso Viejo from San Bernardino? One-and-a-half hours, one way. 6.) What do you enjoy most about being a companion? The energy that Pat has always energizes me. When we’re doing one of the units and she comes back with all the enthusiasm that she has it’s new life for me and new life for the Congregation. 7.) What…



Racial equality & equity

During our 2021 General Chapter, we finalized our Proclamation of Direction through 2026. The direction has four main focuses, including a Justice Focus on Racial Equality and Equity. We, the Providence Community, choose racial equality and equity as our justice focus for 2021-2026. We commit to partnering with other groups in prayer, education, action and advocacy to: Explore the systemic roots of racism in our countries and in our own lives; Identify areas of our lives in which we may…



Inspiring support for the mission of Providence

Published on January 13, 2021

Bill Fenoglio and Stephanie Salter Married couple Stephanie Salter and Bill Fenoglio have known Sister Connie Kramer since Sister Connie was at St. Ann’s Parish in Terre Haute, Indiana. Stephanie says Sister Connie was a pivotal part of all that happened in that parish. Many parishioners used to call themselves her acolytes, for if Sister Connie asked, they responded with assistance immediately. “She’s a force! If she were not a religious, she could be CEO of a major company, for



Sister Jeanette (Margaret Therese) Flaherty

Published on January 18, 2005

Sister Jeanette Flaherty “When Jesus saw her, he called her to him and said, ‘Woman, you are free of your infirmity.’” (Luke 13:12) “ … but one poor widow came and put in two small copper coins worth a few cents.” (Mark 12:42) “Two anonymous women — loved by God, touched by God, faithful to their God. Each has something to tell us about who Sister Jeanette was,” said Sister Marie McCarthy in her commentary for Sister Jeanette Flaherty, the



National Migration Week – Day 5

Published on September 23, 2022

Note: The following exercise was adapted from the Catholic Charities – Social Concerns Parish Guidebook On this fifth day of National Migration Week, take some time today to answer the following questions and ask the Lord to guide your reflections: (The following was adapted from the “Ignatian Examen on Migration” from the Ignatian Solidarity Network.) What is my own migration story? What is my family’s migration story? What is Catholic Social Teaching on migration? With what parts do I agree?…



New energy, focus for justice

Published on October 3, 2016

…a Candidate Providence Associate, local justice advocate and member of the Justice Coordinating Commission, reflects on this process: “Though I have long been influenced by the justice work of the Sisters of Providence and have worked in collaboration with the sisters on justice issues, I am new to the discernment process that happens within the community. I was struck by the compassionate and open way in which my thoughts were welcomed and in which community members listened to each other….



Sister Teresa Costello: Love for learning and a healing touch

Published on October 15, 2015

…thrives on facilitating learning for others. “I love asking questions. I find asking questions leads me to more of them which brings me to find new alternatives and ways of thinking,” she said. As a young sister in the 1960s, Sister Teresa earned degrees in education from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and Indiana State University. She taught 25 years in schools in Illinois and New England. Filled with more questions to answer after Vatican II, she earned a master’s degree in…


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