Your donation to the Sisters of Providence helps bring God's loving plans to God's people through “works of love, mercy and justice.”
You can make a difference with your donation today by supporting sisters who are retired or ill, and persons who are poor, elderly and marginalized, and who receive care, services and education by individual sisters and Sisters of Providence ministries and programs.
Your donation enables us to serve.
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Planned gifts
Your investment in us now will help provide for our future.
Give in honor/memorial
Your loved ones are remembered in the sacred places.
Adopt an Alpaca
Every adoption helps to sustain and grow our ministries.
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Gift of stock and securities
Consider a gift of stock, mutual funds or marketable securities.
More ways to give
Consider these additional ways to give.
Donate by phone
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Monday through Friday
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Mission Advancement office
1 Sisters of Providence
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 47876
Legal Name
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
Your generosity furthers the work of sisters like...

Sister Rose
Sister Rose Chiu serves adults who are elderly, disabled, and poor in Taiwan. A day care serves those clients as well as those suffering from memory loss.

Sister Dorothy
Sister Dorothy helps meet the social service, health and other personal needs of the families in West Terre Haute.

Sister Joni
Sister Joni works with women who are interested in becoming Catholic sisters. The SPs continue to have new women join the congregation, ensuring the mission of the SPs and your donations grow strong into the future.

Sister Paula
Sisters Paula and Jan inspire people to grow spiritually with individual and group faith-filled programs and retreats. People of all faith traditions are encouraged and strengthened by these offerings.

Sister Jean
Sister Jean benefits from the SP Retirement Fund, while we continue to benefit from her volunteer services as Clinical Care Office clerical assistant, the flower and environment caretaker of St. Joseph's Lake and her weekly assistance at Providence Food Pantry, West Terre Haute.

Thank you for your generosity.
No matter the size of your donation, your gift is a blessing to those in need. And, be assured – you and your personal intentions are remembered daily in the prayers of the sisters. Every month, you are also remembered by the Congregation during Eucharist Liturgy in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Honoring you
Your gifts of time, talent and treasure make all the difference in furthering the mission and ministries of the Sisters of Providence.
Annual report
See our 2021-2022 Annual Report, which highlights the ways your gift furthered our mission during the past fiscal year.