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Palm Sunday

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | March 26, 2015 |

My question to Jean Brown, our administrative assistant: “If you had to write a reflection on Palm Sunday, what would you write?” Her instant response: “I’d start with the palms.”…

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Poetry: A tree in winter

By Sister Donna Butler | February 22, 2015 |

In the wintertime of my soul
barren branches stand stark
clothed in heaviness of ice
bestowed by winter night storm.

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Celebrate the Light in our lives, amidst the world’s darkness, this season

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | December 22, 2014 |

I think I was in graduate school when I learned the phrase “cognitive dissonance.” Definition? Psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously. What in heaven’s sake brings…

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“To be present to all that happens …” – Sister Denise reflects on Advent

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | November 29, 2014 |

Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior, encourages us to “be in the present” this Advent season – to be like Mary.

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Stitching a thanksgiving “quilt of words” together

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | November 23, 2014 |

Sister Denise Wilkinson’s Thanksgiving Day reflection for 2014 weaves a quite of words together to encourage us.

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Providence Associate commitment liturgy reflection

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | November 8, 2014 |

“Here’s the thing, Hon.” Like most mysteries, like most authentic relationships, it’s not easy to describe or explain how deep and strong is the connection between, among those who share the charism of Providence.

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Foundation Day 2014 reflection

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 23, 2014 |

First, we stand on the shoulders of six remarkable women. Let’s learn all six of their names and imitate their willingness to venture into the unknown, to leave the familiar in order to bring God’s providential compassion to all corners of our globe, our cosmos.

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Saint Mother Theodore’s Feast Day Reflection

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 6, 2014 |

Happy Feast Day (Friday, Oct. 3, 2014)! How wonderful to be together to celebrate Saint Mother Theodore’s Feast Day! Today we have the privilege, the honor, of moving the remains…

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Providence is profound

By Charles J. Fisher | August 24, 2014 |

For me, Providence is God’s unconditional and interdependent love for each and every creation, given freely to be shared with, by and for every creation. God is present and acting. I may not recognize or sense God’s Providence, especially in times of struggle or pain.

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Mother’s Day reflection: God’s grace and love help mothers “do it”

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | May 9, 2014 |

Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior of the Sisters of Providence, encourages mothers and the important job of raising children. She references Our Lady of Providence and the relocation of her national shrine in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, as a source of strength and hope.

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Providence: together as one creation

By Sister Nancy Nolan | April 20, 2014 |

Coming together has the power to change us. We form new relationships, share ideas and resources, make new friends. Along the way we are often called to change our minds and our ways of doing things, writes Sister Nancy Nolan as she reflects on collaboration and Providence spirituality.

How I came to see Providence in this light is a story in collaboration itself.

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Prayer support: Help bearing the weight

By Sisters of Providence | April 20, 2014 |

With the words “Your son has leukemia,” the weight becomes noticeable. Fear, uncertainty, anxiety, pain and loss all rolled into one heavy weight that starts to bear hug your heart and mind. Prayers from others take on a new importance. The love from God and its true definition can be felt at a more granular level when you know of others who pray for you. God’s church resides in the prayers of its members, where ever they may be, however they may gather.

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