Mother Theodore as a healer Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s passion as a healer went hand in hand with her love for nature during her ministry in the forests of Indiana. Mother…
Read moreWhen I took biology from sister she was still in the full habit, and I’ve recounted many times the vivid image I have of her rolling up her sleeves, hiking up her skirt and tucking it in to her waist (she looked like she had big pantaloons) so she could lead us up and down the creek bed to explore and take samples.
Read moreWhat does Mother Theodore’s journey mean to a young and aspiring college student? Find out what Mari Bennett has to say.
Read moreProvidence Associates Janice Lily discusses her work in providing healthy food for all through the Bloomington Winter Farmer’s Market
Read moreHow does one fit living an ecologically friendly lifestyle into the busyness of life? For Providence Associates Jennifer and Duane Drake, it’s about being gentle with themselves in the process.
Read more“Our promise in this time is to be God’s loving care for all creation, to be one of the ways God sustains life. We desire to live in right relationship with our Earth and with all that dwells on Earth.”
Read moreTom Balduf enjoys his time volunteering with the Sisters of Providence. Especially working in the Reflection Garden and spending time with the alpacas.
Read moreWhy do Penny Frederick and Stacy Pierce volunteer with the Sisters of Providence? Because it feels good…
Read moreDr. Will Hine shares how his experience as a volunteer for the Sisters of Providence has blessed him in so many ways.
Read moreSisters celebrate birthdays of Sisters Mary Esther Lane and Sister Agnes Mary Raetz
Read moreWelcome to our blog. Here, we will share with you stories of our lives as Sisters of Providence. We invite Providence Associates to write in this space also. We hope you find these posts enjoyable and inspirational.