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Foundation Day gems from the past

By Dave Cox | October 22, 2012 |

One visit to the Sisters of Providence Archives and you are likely to be engulfed with enthusiasm like the California gold-rushers might have sensed in the middle 1800s. Truly, you…

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Impacted by a few U.S. Federal Penitentiary inmates

By Sister Lisa Stallings | October 7, 2012 |

The past week has been a full one at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Last Friday and Saturday, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College hosted its annual homecoming, and many alums and their families returned to…

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The shepherd’s crook and staff

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | October 1, 2012 |

  In the past two weeks, two of our sisters have died. We celebrated their lives with stories, prayer, and Eucharistic liturgy. Psalm 23 — the song of praise to the…

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Something old, something new, something spiritual for you to do

By Dave Cox | September 27, 2012 |

If you are an ardent disciple of history, this is for you. If you like to step away and embrace spirituality, this is for you. If you like unique experiences,…

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Our new postulant arrives!

By Sister Jenny Howard | September 21, 2012 |

On Monday, Sept. 17, Joni Luna, a woman from Corpus Christi, Texas, entered the postulancy of the Sisters of Providence. For several years Joni has been discerning her call to…

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Meaningful work

By Sister Lisa Stallings | September 3, 2012 |

As a child, I dreaded Labor Day. It marked the end of summer — the end of daily swims, of neighborhood baseball games and tennis tournaments, the end of playing…

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A nudge to see the people around me

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | August 29, 2012 |

Much about the Leadership Conference of Women Religious National Assembly in early August was memorable. Much has been written about it and its outcome; but much of what happened will…

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A Step in the Journey of Providence for Sister Arrianne Whittaker

By Sister Jenny Howard | August 23, 2012 |

“This is the path traced by Providence. And I follow it.” — attributed to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin On Saturday, August 18, Arrianne Whittaker, following her time of postulancy, took…

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Building the Blessed Sacrament Chapel

By Connie McCammon | August 22, 2012 |

Another foray into the inner sanctum of Archives has produced another gem. In the Properties/Buildings/Shrines area is a large Hollinger box with a plethora of information about the Blessed Sacrament…

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Arrianne enters the novitiate

By Sister Arrianne Whittaker | August 21, 2012 |

Arrianne Whittaker entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Saturday. Read Sister Denise Wilkinson’s reflection from Saturday. My time in the postulancy certainly stretched and…

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“The Sisters are always there”

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | August 20, 2012 |

Given the magnitude of the issues facing the Leadership Conference of Women Religious during its recent annual assembly Aug. 7-10 … Given the amazing presence and presentation of keynote speaker…

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Experiencing a deep and authentic unity

By Sister Denise Wilkinson | August 17, 2012 |

The following reflection is from the Sisters of Providence General Council: Sister Denise Wilkinson, Sister Lisa Stallings, Sister Jenny Howard, Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, and Sister Mary Beth Klingel. The April…

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