Our new postulant arrives!

Joni Luna knocks on the east door of Providence Hall Monday before being invited in by Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior, to become a Sisters of Providence postulant.
On Monday, Sept. 17, Joni Luna, a woman from Corpus Christi, Texas, entered the postulancy of the Sisters of Providence.
For several years Joni has been discerning her call to enter religious life.
She came to know the Sisters of Providence through her Connections with Sister Barbara Bluntzer, SP, who ministers in Corpus Christi, her many visits to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, and through her recent formal commitment as a Providence Associate with the Sisters of Providence.
When asked why she wishes to become a Sister of Providence, Joni responded, “After meeting the Sisters seven years ago, I was captured by the spirit of the community and the heart of the Sisters. Their hospitality and warm embraces spoke and connected to the core of my soul. Immediately I felt a calling in my heart to pursue a deeper relationship with them. My soul longed to walk the footsteps of so many incredible women who are inspired to serve God by blazing and paving so many significant roads in the pursuit of love, mercy and justice.”

Joni Luna, center in blue, walks with Sisters Marsha Speth, Mary Beth Klingel, Editha Ben, Dawn Tomaszewski, and me after entering the Sisters of Providence postulancy.
This past Monday evening, as part of the simple postulant entrance ritual, Joni knocked on the east door or Providence Hall. She was invited in and welcomed by Sister Denise, the General Superior, her discernment guide, Sister Bernice Kuper, and members of the General Council and New Membership Team.
This “practice” of welcome and blessing formally begins Joni’s time of postulancy.
Please join with us in celebrating the gift of Joni’s presence with us.