Two of the most privileged and sacred moments I enjoy in my ministry as general superior are receiving the vows of our newer members and praying the blessing prayer at the funeral of a deceased Sister of Providence. Each experience touches me deeply and evokes feelings of profound wonder and gratitude.
I’m thinking the above because I just returned from Taiwan and first profession of vows of one our Asian novices. What a joyful experience!
Sister Regina Gallo approached her recent skydiving experience through a spiritual lens: The safety of my “normal” prayer space with my lit candles and cup of tea or warm milk was gone. I had to trust my tandem instructor literally with my life. I had to trust my God and angels to guide me every second of the way. The biggest piece … I was NOT in control of anything. I simply had to trust and surrender; and it wasn’t simple.
Read moreWhere can I run from your love? If I hide in the farthest corner of the sea, you are there, guiding me, protecting me from harm. The bottomless depth of your maternal love… The sea is madre. Sister Carol Nolan, who ministers in California, writes about her retreat near the Pacific Ocean.
Read moreSister Ann Paula Pohlman and Sister Margaret Louise Bernard were planning a day of adventure at the Port of Tampa (Fla.) to see some tour ships that were open at…
Read moreIt must be something to see, Sister Cathy Buster muscling around a 26-foot U-Haul truck. She would never be mistaken for a husky football player. But, if you know her…
Read moreIn our increasingly violent world such a prayer as the Litany of Non-Violence delivers a powerful message, and today, Aug. 6, is a particularly appropriate day for us to meet or become reacquainted with that message. On this date in 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan and three days later, on Aug. 9, another was dropped on Nagasaki. For the sake of all humanity, let us pray such events are never repeated.
Read moreSister Mary Maloney asks, “Are you different after you pray?” in her practical reflection on a part of Sunday’s Gospel.
Read moreHelp through counseling brings one woman’s life from darkness to light. Sister Patty Fillenwarth and her ministry at Providence Family Services in Chicago help real people who have nowhere else to turn to transform themselves.
Read moreSister Cathy Campbell writes about visiting the Ai Weiwei art exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art recently.
Read moreSister Deborah Campbell, who will take Perpetual Vows on Sunday, June 30, talks about her ministry with Catholic Relief Services.
Read moreSister Laura Parker will take Perpetual Vows with the Sisters of Providence Sunday, June 30, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
Read moreSister Patty Wallace to take Perpetual Vows on Sunday, June 30, at 11 a.m. Mass, with the Sisters of Providence.
Read moreWelcome to our blog. Here, we will share with you stories of our lives as Sisters of Providence. We invite Providence Associates to write in this space also. We hope you find these posts enjoyable and inspirational.