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Sister Laura Parker to take Perpetual Vows with the SPs on Sunday

Minolta DSCSister Laura Parker will make a lifelong commitment with the Sisters of Providence Sunday, June 30, along with Sisters Deborah Campbell, Patty Wallace and Beth Wright.

Sister Laura Parker, a native of Chicago, is currently ministering as a hospice chaplain for Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care of Illinois in DesPlaines. She has an Associate’s degree in nursing from Triton College, a Bachelor’s degree in nursing from Lewis University and a Master’s degree in pastoral studies from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She entered the congregation Sept. 18, 2003, from St. Cyprian Parish in River Grove, Ill.

Sister Laura has been challenged and encouraged during her spiritual journey. “I don’t think I would have taken the initiative spiritually to get as far as I have without the sisters support. … Through retreats and formation and example of mentors living out their faith in the world, it has challenged me to be the best I can be not only as a religious sister but in my personal life.”

As hospice chaplain, Sister Laura is connecting with people who need a lot of love and care at this time in their life. “I love the contact with the people and the families,” said Sister Laura. “It’s not easy to watch your loved ones decline. My presence hopefully eases that discomfort and allows them to share their discomfort. … It’s active listening. Paying attention to what people are saying. People just pour out their hearts to you and that is really sacred.”

When asked what does professing perpetual vows as an SP mean to her, Sister Laura said, “My whole idea about being a Sister of Providence is that I wanted to focus on God in my life. So this commitment really grounds me in that.”

Congratulations, Sister Laura, on professing perpetual vows this Sunday.

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The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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