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80 results

Topic: relationships



If I fail in speech,
I pray You will teach
me kind words to speak.

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A Prayer for Teachers during this pandemic

Give us an abundance of patience as we learn to juggle our teaching, sanitizing, distancing and masking, while trying to be attentive to the needs of our students.

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Prayer in this Time of Need

Heal those who are sick. Restore them to full health.

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Prayer for calling forth women of courage

God we thank you for the brave women who continue to come forward to serve you as Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

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May I see clearly …

May I see clearly with the eye of my beating heart. May I have the wisdom to listen with special care. May my heart and mind be in tune to…

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Be with me in my searching: Sisters of Providence discernment prayer

God of hope and possibilities,I am searching.
I have the energy and desire to work with others for the good of all others.
But how, when, where, with whom?

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Community prayer

You are a remarkable piece of the puzzle of humanity. Let me fit you into the big picture according to my design.

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“We can expect that our good works, our works of love and mercy and justice will abide. …they will last, remain. What a great promise! When we love, act justly, respond in mercy – it matters; it makes a difference; it bears a fruit that will endure.”

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“I feel the touch of Jesus very often in the presence of our elder sisters. They are experts in encouragement conveyed by a touch on the shoulder, a hand on my arm, a smile that comes from the light in their hearts and shines through their eyes. I am strengthened, encouraged and humbled when one after the other says to me, “I pray for you every day.” Yes — all of these moments are moments of being touched by Jesus — assured of being a valued part of that living body.”

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“Communion is nurtured by connection and from the recognition that everything, in its original form, is related. We share a oneness with all. The bond uniting us as individuals and groups is already there within us. We just need to become aware.”

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“Endeavor not to cause others to suffer, and you yourself try to endure the little annoyances which are unavoidable in the necessary relations with others.”

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“You understand at least, my dearly loved sisters, that I do not have to get down deep in my heart before finding the tender love that fills it for you all...”

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin