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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
49 results
Topic: gratitude
“I believe one learns to appreciate her Mother more and more when one is so far away from her.”
“... you have had a share in the prayers which we do not fail a single day to offer up for our benefactors.”
“O my dear daughters, how consoling is this mystery of the Eucharist! If we knew how to appreciate it, it would suffice to fortify and sustain us; is there anything sweeter than to have a friend to whom we may at any hour confide our difficulties and our pains?”
“It is impossible to answer all the kind things you say to me except by a sentiment of profound gratitude. I can express it only to God, who understands the language of the heart.”
“In truth, how much good there is to do here, and how great and sublime the mission confided to us!”
“...the eye is lost in the ravishing spectacle [nature], so calculated to elevate the soul towards the author of all things.”

Child’s prayer heading into school
The following is a prayer from a child’s perspective. Dear God, I’m a little sad tonight. I just looked at the calendar and it told me it is August. Do…

Holy Ground
O God,I kiss this holy groundThis place of promises in processThis place of people seeking GodAnd of God seeking and saving a peopleA place of knowing one is hungryAnd of…
Christmas Prayer
Infant Jesus, born among us as a helpless baby, … come into our hearts this day and teach us the meaning of simplicity and how dependent we are on others.…
Father’s Day Prayer
Provident God,
Creator and Sustainer of all life,
thank You for my father whose life reflects/reflected
Your abiding love and care.

Prayer for homecoming
Bless us, most loving provident God,may this coming home be a re-creation and experience of hospitality and hope. May all who enter this home, may all who walk through these…
At a Time of Celebration
How often do we express our gratitude for the joys in our lives? Lord, We come to you so often in need. I just want to take this quiet moment…
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