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Sisters of Providence

Content written by Sisters of Providence


Sister Nancy Nolan

Q. Why did you choose to become a Sister of Providence? A. I was born in Galesburg, Illinois, and the Sisters of Providence went to Galesburg to teach in 1879 at St. Joseph Academy. My mother and her three sisters all went there to school. They came in from the farm and boarded at the…



Prayer of intercession

Jesus, source of truth and life,who taught the world the way of salvation,grant us the help we humbly askthrough your faithful servantSaint Mother Theodore Guerin,who spent all her lifeto make you known and loved. May this grace be consolation for usand may it unite us ever moreto you and to one anotherin life and in…



Saint Mother Theodore Guerin prayer

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, valiant woman of God, intercede for us in our needs. Implore for us through Jesus, the Christ, the gifts of a living faith, abiding hope and steadfast charity, so that through a life of prayer and service with others we may aid in promoting the Providence of God among all peoples….



Prayer of Reunion

The Prayer of Reunion has been in use by the Sisters of Providence since before the sisters left France in 1840 to found the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, congregation. Small changes have been made over time, including a change made by the 2011 General Chapter to include all who share the charism of Providence as part…



Prayer to Our Lady of Providence

O God, whose ever-watchful Providence rules all things,we humbly implore youthrough the prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary,the mother of your son,to remove from us whatever is harmfuland to bestow on us only that which will be helpful.We ask this through Jesus Christ, your son,who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God,…



Memorare to Our Lady of Providence

Remember, O most faithful Lady of Providence, that you have been given to us by your Son to be our mother. We entrust to you our labors; bless them. We commend to you our needs; supply them. Show for us the same concern you manifested at Cana, for we trust that whatever you ask of…



A Parent’s Prayer to Our Lady of Providence

O Lady of Providence, my mother, surround the children God entrusted to me with your loving prayer. May God keep them safe in body, soul and mind.



A Grandparent’s Prayer to Our Lady of Providence

O Lady of Providence, my mother.
Thank you for your steady faithful prayer
and support as I have raised the children
God entrusted to me.



Blessing for the family

Family is our connection with the past and future. It is the source of our beliefs and common values. We seek its spiritual health. Mary, you trusted your family to Providence throughout your life. From your own human experiences, you share and understand ours. Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home, We ask that…



A Death in the Family

Death saddens us because of the separation it causes. Our faith comforts us with the knowledge that we will be together in happiness again. Dear Lord,Sometimes it is hard to understand the pain that comes into our lives.This is most true when we lose one we love.At this time, we remember that life is a…



At a Time of Family Conflict

All families know conflict. How we handle our differences and to whom we turn determine whether, and how fast, our scars will heal. You know, God, we are not a perfect family.The stresses of our lives cause us to bring each other hurt and pain.This is not the way we choose to live with each…



At a Time of Family Crisis

Loss of a job, an accident, difficulties with children are just a few of the challenges which bring tremendous stress to a family. We pray to make these occasions a source of strength, rather than division. Mary, Queen of the Home,Our family is straining.People who ought to be bound in love are pushing one against…


The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.