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Content written by Sisters of Providence
O Antiphon – O flower of Jesse come deliver us
The Root of Jesse, antiphon, refers to the family descended from Jesse, the father of David, and therefore the root of the house of David. The Jesse tree, common in the land, became the ensign or insignia of the House of David, who succeeded Saul, the first king of Israel. David’s reign was long and…
O Antiphon – O Leader come to set us free
When Yahweh spoke to Moses from the burning bush, Moses understood that his mission was to lead the Hebrew slaves from Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses asked God’s name so that he could tell the people who made this promise and the response was “Tell them that I Am sent me to you.” The…
Christmas message from Sister Dawn
“May the treasures of this holy season touch your heart with love and great joy!“ As there’s only one week of waiting left until the Christmas, Sister Dawn Tomaszewski, general superior, shares her Christmas video message outside the St. Anne Shell Chapel, an historical treasure at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She expresses her sincere gratitude for all…
O Antiphon – O wisdom from on high
One of the most profound pursuits of human life is the call to Wisdom. Our spirits search to find it in ourselves as God’s gift, and to welcome it from others. The Israelites thought of Wisdom as practical experience for every day living. This notion requires persons who act with prudence, not prudence that prevents…
Leadership Team shares LCWR statement on DHS funding
The Leadership Team and Justice Promoter wanted to share this message from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR): Dear Friends, Congress must decide by Dec. 7, 2018, how to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the rest of fiscal year 2019. Right now is a critical time for people of faith and…
Take the pledge to support asylum seekers
The Leadership Team and many Sisters of Providence have joined more than 4,000 persons who have already pledged to support asylum seekers. Won’t you join us? We want to share with you this message from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR): The administration’s presidential proclamation and interim final rule which prevents immigrants who enter the U.S….
Leadership Team shares LCWR statement on public charge comment deadline
The Leadership Team and Justice Promoter wanted to share with you this updated message from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR): Dear Friends, If you haven’t already we hope you’ll make your own comment on the administration’s harmful Public Charge rule before the December 10 deadline. If you’ve already made your comment, can you…
‘Walking Toward Hope’
This year, you are invited to join the spiritual journey of “Walking Toward Hope,” by participating in the eight-part series
Writing a Manifesto
… our recent focus on intersectionality helped illustrate the inescapable connections between people and a dangerously changing planet …
Daughters of the Forest: Sisters of Providence commitment to the land
The Sisters of Providence share their story and their commitment to the Land Ethic and proper care and use of the land at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
Call to Action: Attend Town Hall meetings and other Meet-the-Candidate events!
These are excellent opportunities to ask candidates about their commitment to environmentally sound decision-making and impress upon them the importance of this matter to the Providence Community
Leadership Team shares LCWR statement on immigration
This attempt to target the most vulnerable within the immigrant community violates the tenets of our faith and threatens the values of our nation
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.