O Antiphon – O wisdom from on high

Artwork by Sister Rosemary Borntrager, SP, 2002.
One of the most profound pursuits of human life is the call to Wisdom. Our spirits search to find it in ourselves as God’s gift, and to welcome it from others.
The Israelites thought of Wisdom as practical experience for every day living. This notion requires persons who act with prudence, not prudence that prevents action, but as a guide to right action.
How do you value these virtues at the boardroom table, the dinner table, the card table, the bargaining table, the peace table and others? This is virtue in the midst of life that opens us to God’s grace. For this we pray on behalf of all people.
O Wisdom, you came forth from the mouth of the Most High and reaching from beginning to end, you ordered all things mightily and sweetly. Come, and teach us the way of prudence.
To get your own expanded copy of the Sisters of Providence O Antiphons booklet, visit Linden Leaf Gifts here.
Thank you, Ann, for helping slow down a bit and consider wisdom. New idea for me – wisdom and prudence. Very helpful in all the ways you listed – at all the tables you described.