Home » Features » Call to Action: Attend Town Hall meetings and other Meet-the-Candidate events!


Call to Action: Attend Town Hall meetings and other Meet-the-Candidate events!

In these final weeks before the November election, candidates ordinarily hold a Town Hall meeting or an opportunity to meet voters. These are excellent opportunities to ask candidates about their commitment to environmentally sound decision-making and impress upon them the importance of this matter to the Providence Community. To prepare for such opportunities, the Advocacy Team of the Climate Change Task Force would like to share the following suggestions:

Before arriving:

  • Get in touch with your state Interfaith Power and Light affiliate. They have a wealth of information on the environmental issues in your area,
  • Research your members of Congress. How have they voted in the past on climate and environmental legislation? Are they persons of faith? Do these organizations represented share your values, and
  • Be informed on the issues. We believe we are called by faith to be good stewards of Creation and to protect the Earth for future generations, but what exactly does this look like?

Prepare questions in advance:

  • Do not ask yes or no questions,
  • Do speak from your experience and let them know you are a person of faith,
  • Do ask questions about a specific piece of legislation,
  • If you ask about a piece of legislation, be prepared to quickly explain what it is. Members of Congress read thousands of bills,
  • Asking about an action for example: ‘What have you done and what will you do to strengthen environmental regulations?’ can help you get a specific and unscripted answer from your member,
  • Do ask a question about a political action.

During the Town Hall meeting:

  • Invite others to attend the meeting with you,
  • Be seen! Carry a poster,
  • Sit up close or near a microphone,
  • Introduce yourself to others. Identify yourself as a Sister of Providence or Providence Associate,
  • Ask questions and be polite.

One the meeting is over:

  • Stick around! Talk with others, especially staff of the candidates,
  • Network with other attendees,
  • Get the word out. Write a statement for the local newspaper or post it on social media,
  • Do not make it your last meeting! If you show up at other meetings, the presenter will remember you.

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The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.

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