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Lori Strawn
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Content written by Lori
Gospel reflection
December 18, 2022: Third Sunday of Advent
“How does God speak to you? Are you listening?”
Gospel reflection
December 11, 2022: Third Sunday of Advent
What are your expectations for the holiday season?
Gospel reflection
December 4, 2022: Second Sunday of Advent
What is one area of your life that you’d like to change?
Prayer for a brighter new year
Instead, I will ask that Your resolutions be mine.
Your path, my path. Your will, my will.
Let us walk headlong into this new year together.
Prayer for those struggling during the holidays
There is no celebration in my soul.
I turn to You, source of meaning, knower of sorrow.
Prayer for those facing a major surgery
Creator God, healer of all ills,
I place my health into your hands.
Guide the hand of my surgeon.
Prayer for those struggling with lack of faith
My faith is threadbare, worn almost to a whisper.
And yet I need You more than ever.
A prayer for the loss of a relationship
Now it is over. Our ties severed painfully, or simply faded away from disuse.
We are not what we were.
A prayer for stillness / dealing with anxiety
Can you stop the world for a moment? I need to be alone with you.
No more doing, just being. And feeling like that is enough.
Prayer in the face of insurmountable obstacles
Take my hand. Pull me along, with urgency, if needed.
Let me never stray from the course you’ve set out for me,
even when I cannot see my way through.
Prayer for voting
Help us remember the needs of the many,
not merely our own.
Prayer for those grieving the death of a parent with whom they had a difficult relationship
I pray for your soul, at peace, at last, with God.
Please pray for me.
Providence Associate Lori Strawn is a freelance writer and editor who lives in Witchita, Kansas. A 1987 graduate of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Lori formerly served on the advisory board for the Providence Associates.